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Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust

Moulton Park COVID-19 Vaccination Centre Booking System Privacy Policy

This privacy notice was originally published on 22/01/2021.

It was updated on the 09/03/2021 to reflect changes made to the way in which bookings for the Moulton Park vaccination centre are made.

The Department of Health and Social Care has implemented a COVID-19 national vaccination programme. A vaccination centre has been set up at Moulton Park, Northampton to deliver the vaccine to the general public in line with the government’s vaccination priority order.

All vaccination appointments will be made via the National Booking System. You can view the privacy notice for this system here. More information about the system can be found here.

Important Information for Key Workers who booked an appointment at the Moulton Park Vaccination Centre prior to 15/02/2021.

Up until 15/02/2021, appointments for the first dose of the vaccine for staff working in key roles were recorded using a bespoke appointment booking system. This is because the National Booking Centre had not been set up to accept 1st appointment bookings for staff working in key roles.

This system was developed by Kettering General Hospital (the Processor) on behalf of Northampton General Hospital (the Controller).

Access to the system was provided to named individuals working at authorised organisations. These individuals were provided with credentials to allow the booking of 1st vaccination appointments for themselves and for their colleagues.

This information was used by the staff at the Moulton Park Vaccination Centre to identify how many people were booked for vaccinations and to manage vaccinations on a daily basis. Records of attendance may have been recorded in the system however information about vaccinations was not stored on the booking system. This is recorded on the national vaccination system, Pinnacle.

The information below describes the processing of this data. This does not apply to any second appointment bookings or bookings made after 15/02/2021.


1) Controller contact details



Northampton General Hospital

Billing Road




2) Data Protection Officer contact details





3) What personal data we collect

  • NHS Number
  • Forename
  • Surname
  • Date of Birth
  • Email Address
  • Contact Number
  • Organisation Username (this will the username that has been provided by your administrator)
  • Organisation Password (this will the password that has been provided by your administrator)

4) Purpose of the sharing

We will use your information to enable you to have a first vaccination appointment, to be delivered at the vaccination centre at Moulton Park, Northampton.


5) The Lawful conditions for processing

In order that we can carry out processing of your personal data, we need a lawful basis to do so. The lawful basis for processing, storing and sharing this data are:-


The General Data Protection Regulation, Article 6(1)(e) the processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller.


We have been given an instruction by The Department of Health and Social Care to identify essential workers within their locality, and where appropriate make contact with them directly, or provide a means by which they can provide their details to us. This is to ensure the maximum number of essential workers are able to carry out their role, and to minimise the risk of the onward transfer of coronavirus. This establishes the activity as a public task.


In addition, an Article 9 Condition for processing should be adhered to:-


The General Data Protection Regulation, Article 9(2)(h) the processing is necessary for medical diagnosis, the provision of health treatment and management of a health and social care system.


We will be referring you to the Department of Health and Social Care so that the vaccination can be undertaken. It is necessary to share the information so that a vaccination can be conducted and accurately recorded in your medical record.


6) Recipient or categories of recipients of the shared data

The data will not be shared outside of the Controller and Processor detailed in this Privacy Notice.

7) Right to object

You have the right under Article 21 of the GDPR to object to your personal information being processed. Please contact us if you wish to object to the processing of your data. You should be aware that this is a right to raise an objection which is not the same as having an absolute right to have your wishes granted in every circumstance. You will need to provide information on your specific circumstances which relate to the reasons you are objecting.


8) Right to access and correct

You have the right to access any identifiable data that is being shared and have any inaccuracies corrected.


Subject access requests should be directed to Northampton General Hospital.


9) Retention period

Your information will be stored for six months after the date of your 1st vaccination appointment.


Information that identifies you will be stored securely and processed in the UK. We will ensure that there are appropriate security safeguards including strong cyber security.


10) Right to Complain.

You have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office.


You can use this link  


Or you can call their helpline:


Telephone: 0303 123 1113 (local rate) or 01625 545 745 (national rate)


There are National Offices for Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales, (see ICO website).


11) Processors’

To assist us in collecting this information and processing the vaccination bookings we have appointed the following processors:

  • Kettering General Hospital


12) Data Sharing

The data will be shared with authorised staff working for Northampton General Hospital for the purpose of managing your appointment and vaccination.

Statistical information, such as how many bookings have been made may be extracted from the system for onward reporting. This data will be anonymous and will not allow you to be identified.


Version Control

Status: Final

Version: 2.1

Updated: 30/11/2022




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