From Monday 15 June 2020, in line with Government recommendations we are asking outpatients and visitors to wear a face-covering at all times when visiting our hospitals. Wearing a face covering will help to limit the spread of Covid-19.
There are lots of different possible styles of facemask, but you may find the following general guidance of use:
- An effective face covering should cover your nose and mouth while allowing you to breathe comfortably
- You should wash your hands or use hand sanitiser before putting it on and taking it off
- When wearing the face-covering, you should avoid touching your face at all times
- You should also follow other infection control safety measures when visiting our hospitals, including social distancing and regular hand washing.
- Surgical face masks are acceptable, but are not necessary; a face covering can be as simple as a scarf, cloth mask or bandanna.
Whilst we ask visitors to wear face coverings in our hospitals for the protection of themselves, patients and our staff, we realise that not all people are able to tolerate wearing a mask. The following groups do not need to wear a face-covering when visiting our hospitals:
- Young children under the age of 3 Anyone with anatomical difficulties that would make wearing a face mask impossible or painful e.g. facial injuries
- People with breathing difficulties
- Anyone who experiences severe discomfort or distress while wearing a face mask e.g. those with severe claustrophobia
- Anyone unable to remove their mask without assistance.
A member of staff will be available at the door to help answer any questions you have.
Guidence is available on how to make your own face covering.