appointment reminder
  • Dear Patient. This is an important text from Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust where you are waiting for treatment in [specialty department named]. We are now reviewing our waiting lists and need some more information from you. Can you please help us by logging in to the link below with [PIN included in the text] and your date of birth: this can be from your smartphone, tablet, laptop or PC. Thank you for your help.[Link to the Portal]


  • Dear Patient. This is an important text from Northampton General Hospital regarding your care with [specialty department named]. We are reviewing our waiting lists and need some more information from you. Can you please help us by logging in to the link below with PIN [included in the text] and your date of birth: this can be from your smartphone, tablet, laptop or PC. Thank you for your help. [Link to the Portal]


  • Dear Patient, we are sorry that we have not yet been able to see you as planned for your appointment with [specialty department named]. We appreciate your patience with us at this time as we work through our backlogs. We appreciate circumstances may have changed and we are keen to hear from our patients as we aim to allocate appointments. Please help us by logging in to the link below with PIN [included in the text] and your date of birth: this can be from your smartphone, tablet, laptop or PC. Thank you [Link to the Portal]