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Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust

Critical Care Outreach

The critical care outreach service is a team of specialist practitoners who support nurses and doctors who are caring for acutely ill patients.

What do the team do?

Our critical care outreach team provide a 24 hour a day, 7 day a week service, and is made up of a team of experienced specialist practitioners, which support other nurses and medical professionals across the hospital. The team assess patients and support the teams caring for them with how best to manage their condition and plan for future treatment. This helps patients sometimes avoid needing critical care treatment on our intensive care.


Any members of the healthcare team looking after you or your relative can refer patients to the service or refer directly using Call 4 Concern. 

Call 4 Concern©

Are you concerned about a patient’s condition?   


Call 4 concern© is an adult inpatient safety service for deteriorating patients. The aim is to empower and support patients and their families or carers to escalate their concerns directly to the Critical Care Outreach Team.

This service is designed for you to call for help and advice if you notice a change or deterioration in your relative or friend.



Call us directly on 07850883414 or ask the ward staff to bleep the Critical Care Outreach Team




You may see the team around the hospital. If you have any questions about your care or your relatives care please ask them and they will be happy to help.


The critical care outreach team

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