62 day pathway
The 62 day pathway is a national guideline for clinicians, other health professionals and administrative staff to ensure individuals are seen and treated within a set time.
The most common way to be referred on to the 62 day pathway is by your GP – This is with a ‘Two week wait’ appointment. If your GP thinks further investigations are needed, they will refer you to the hospital to see a specialist. Once the hospital receives the referral, the ‘clock’ starts and we will aim to book you an appointment within 14 days. This is also known as a ‘two week wait’ appointment, please see the details below.
Following an appointment at the hospital you may be sent for tests such as an MRI scan, endoscopy and/or biopsy. If you would like more information about endoscopy, visit - http://www.myendoscopy.co.uk
If a cancer is diagnosed then your case will be discussed at an ‘MDT’ which stands for ‘Multi-disciplinary team meeting’. This involves many individuals, who will review all of your test results and consider all your personal needs and requirements. From this discussion, the best treatment option for you will be documented and this will then be discussed with you at a follow up appointment, either by the consultant or a cancer nurse specialist.
For more information about MDTs click here.
Your treatment start date should be within 62 days of the clock starting (when the GP referral was received by the hospital), and within 31 days of decision to treat (this is when you and the clinician have agreed on your treatment option and you sign a consent form)
Unfortunately, it is not always possible to treat within 62 days, for example, there can be appointment delays or further tests may happen if more information is needed. However, we are
always trying our very best to see, diagnose and treat within this timeline and there
is lots of work going on ‘behind the scenes’ to try and make this happen.
Two Week Wait Appointment
If you have symptoms which could indicate cancer or when further investigations are necessary to rule cancer out, your GP will refer you to the hospital via a ‘2 week wait’ appointment
The maximum waiting time for a hospital appointment should be two weeks, this is from the date that you book through the NHS e-Referral Service, or when the hospital or service receives your referral letter.
In many cases, following investigations, patients are found not to have cancer but another medical condition may be identified.
What we need from you as the patient:
•Be available for the next 62 days for consultations, tests and treatment
•Be available at short notice for consultations and tests
•Engage with us by returning our phone calls or letters
•Attend the appointments we agree with you
