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Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust

General Support

iDiscover is a new community of children, young people and those who support them across Northamptonshire.It offers a wide range of free and fun activities, resources and information to inspire young people aged under 25 to explore who they are, grow as people and learn new things.

Stay Connected - This newsletter focuses on all the amazing events, clubs and groups that families, children and young people can access across the county that are free or affordable to attend. It is a live document and will be regularly updated with new events added and events that have happened removed. To navigate to the location you wish to search for use the small grey box in the righthand corner of the screen.

Use these QR codes to access more information

Stay Connected QR - North Northants      North Northants

Stay connected QR - West Northants      West Northants

WNVP West Northants Voices in Partnership - A Parent Carer Forum is a group made up of parents and carers who take care of children and/or young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities. Their role is to team up with local authorities, schools, health services, and other groups to make sure that the services provided, meet the needs of disabled children and their families. Parent Carer participation means that parents and professionals join forces, respecting each other's expertise, to make smart choices about children's services that use time and money wisely.

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