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Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust

Sensory impairment

British Deaf Association (BDA)

The British Deaf Association (BDA) is the UK’s leading membership organisation and registered charity run by Deaf people for Deaf people. The BDA delivers a range of services to achieve its aims of empowering Deaf people to overcome difficulties that they face on a daily basis.


Deafconnect is an organisation that empowers Deaf, deafened, hard of hearing, and Deafblind people to achieve their full potential and become fully-included members of the wider community.

National Deaf Children’s Association

The National Deaf Children’s Society (NDCS) is a charity dedicated to creating a world without barriers for every deaf child. They provide free impartial and unbiased information to families, empowering them to make informed choices. NDCS support families in a range of ways.

Children’s Audiology Service (West) – Northampton General Hospital

The Children's Audiology Service is a specialist centre based at Northampton General Hospital. It provides full hearing testing, diagnosis, hearing aid fitting, and investigations.

Royal National Institute of Deaf People (RNID)

The Royal National Institute for Deaf People (RNID) works to make life fully inclusive for deaf people and those with hearing loss or tinnitus. They campaign for an inclusive society. They connect people to practical advice and pioneer new treatments for hearing loss and tinnitus.

Visual Impairment Services

LOOK – National Federation of Families with Visually Impaired Children

The LOOK National Federation of Families with Visually Impaired Children supports young people and families who are living with a vision impairment. Are you a young person (up to the age of 29) with a vision impairment, or are you a parent of a vision impaired child? LOOK is here to help you improve your self-confidence, develop skills, and make new connections.

Visually Impaired Children Taking Action (VICTA)

Visually Impaired Children Taking Action (VICTA) is a national charity that provides support to children and young adults from 0 to 29 who are blind or partially sighted and their families. VICTA believes that everyone has the right to an independent and fulfilling life. VICTA’s support, advice, grants, and activities enable young people and their families to build skills, develop confidence, and help each other toward a more positive future.

Northamptonshire Association for the Blind (NAB)

Our Mission & Vision - To enable visually impaired adults, children and families in Northamptonshire live life to the full by providing advice, support, services and equipment that can help reduce the impact of sight loss.

Northamptonshire Association For The Blind | NAB

Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB)

If you need someone who understands sight loss, the RNIB (Royal National Institute of Blind People) is there for you.

Everyone who is blind or partially sighted has their own unique experience, so the RNIB don’t take a one size fits-all approach. They offer a range of products and services to help you to maintain your independence and live the life you want to lead.

Multi Impairment Services

Deafblind UK

Deafblind UK is a national charity that supports people with sight and hearing loss to live the lives they want. They help people to live with deafblindness by making connections, building their confidence, and increasing their independence.

Living with combined sight and hearing loss can be frightening. Deafblind UK's team of experts is there every step of the way to reassure, advise, or just to be someone to turn to if there is no one else.

Sensory Impairment Service

All schools have a special educational needs coordinator (SENCo) who can support children who are hearing impaired or who have a vision impairment. If a child requires further support, you can make a referral to the Sensory Impairment Service.

We provide specialist teachers and support for children and young people with:

•           a hearing impairment

•           a vision impairment

•           multi-sensory impairments

When new referrals are received, the initial contact from the team will be by phone or email.


Sense supports people who have complex needs, are deafblind, or have sensory impairments to enjoy more independent lives. They provide information and advice, offer a wide range of flexible services, and campaign for the rights of the people they serve.

Sense offer personalised support through centres, holidays and respite, or in people’s own homes. They can provide early intervention for children, help young people access education, and support the transition into adulthood.

In addition to practical support, Sense offer information to families, and campaign for the rights of people with complex disabilities to be included. Their expertise in supporting people with communication needs benefits people of all ages, their families, and carers.

National Sensory Impairment Partnership

The National Sensory Impairment Partnership (NatSIP) is a unique national partnership of professionals and voluntary organisations, who work with children and young people with sensory impairment (SI) and their families. The agreed purposes of NatSIP are:

•           To improve educational outcomes for children and young people with SI.

•           To help children with SI achieve more.

•           To promote a national model for the benchmarking of clear progress and impact criteria for children and young people who have SI.

•           To support a well-trained SI workforce, responsive to the Government agenda for education.

•           To advise the Department for Education and other national agencies on the education of children and young people with SI.

•           To promote collaboration between services, schools, professional bodies and voluntary bodies working with children and young people who have SI.

•           To promote collaborative working between education, health and social care professionals in the interest of children and young people who have SI.

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