Contact is a charity for families with disabled children. They support families by providing unrivalled guidance and information. They bring families together to support each other. They also help families to campaign, volunteer, and fundraise (to improve life for themselves and others).
Northamptonshire Mind
Northamptonshire Mind is a leading mental health provider in the county. Its partnerships with Local Minds, Northamptonshire Health Foundation Trust (NHFT), and other mental health providers enables the charity to support the mental health community through various services, campaigns, and advocacy efforts. Its team is dedicated to developing innovative mental health services to support individuals dealing with mental health challenges.
Together with its partners in the Mental Health Northants Collaboration, Northamptonshire Mind is working to transform and provide mental health services in the region. Additionally, it offers education and learning opportunities for individuals pursuing professional qualifications in social care, counselling, and psychotherapy.
The Disability Law Service (DLS)
The Disability Law Service (DLS) provides free legal advice to people with disabilities and their carers to ensure that they have access to their rights. DLS publishes online information and factsheets, runs a telephone helpline, and can even provide full legal representation.
Please note: the DLS do not provide representation for benefits issues. The DLS have Legal Aid contracts in Community Care and Housing. You can check to see if your case falls within the remit of Legal Aid using the Legal Aid Advice Finder.
SOS!SEN offers independent, legally-based advice on special educational needs to parents and carers. It aims to support and empower people to navigate the legal maze and challenge decisions to get the right education for their child.
SOS!SEN offer advice on:
• Getting the right help for your child
• Dealing with the school or local authority
• Interpreting official letters
• The EHCP process
• Finding independent expert professional advice
• Appealing to the Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal
Include me TOO
Include Me TOO supports disabled children, young people, and their families from a diverse range of backgrounds. It supports and promotes social justice, equality, and rights for all disabled children and young people.
Northampton Door-to-Door Service
Northampton Door-to-Door Service (NDDS) is a minibus service for people within the borough of Northampton who are unable to use conventional public transport because of a permanent or temporary disability, infirmity, or those suffering age-related mobility problems.
Daventry Area Community Transport (DACT) is a one-stop shop within the Daventry district for all your needs relating to transport and mobility.
Local Offer
The Local Offer will:
• provide information for families with children who have a special educational need or disability
• improve choice and transparency for these families
• help professionals to understand the range of services and provision available locally
• improve joint commissioning arrangements for services by setting out (in a single place) what is available locally
The SNIX database helps us to plan services for children with special educational needs and disabilities.
Northamptonshire Carers
Northamptonshire Carers aim to offer a comprehensive support service to Carers within our contracted geographical areas and in collaboration or close partnership with organisations that complement the service we deliver. We recognise the vital contribution Carers make to society and we will work to empower Carers in improving their health, wellbeing and quality of life, alongside raising awareness with all stakeholders with the aim to create Carer Friendly Communities. We recognise the diversity of our communities and are committed to supporting all Carers. The organisation is Carer-led and our developments will be a response to Carers future needs.
Clearly Speaking
We specialise in providing both help and advice, with services and intervention for families living with special needs suchas Autistic Spectrum Disorders, Aspergers Syndrome and all associated difficulties like D.A.M.P, ADHD, specific learning issues like Dyslexia aswell as Torrettes – independent family centre in Buckingham
Home Start
Home-Start is a local community network of trained volunteers and expert support helping families with young children through their challenging times. We are there for parents when they need us the most because childhood can’t wait.
Harry’s Pals
At Harry’s Pals we are passionate about getting emotional support out to families who are struggling with their mental health following a recent diagnosis of a life limiting illness or disability. We are here to help families find coping mechanisms so that they feel a bit better equipped and stronger to move forwards in such challenging circumstances. We are also keen advocates for carers and disabled people and campaign for change so that better support is offered to families affected by disability.
Harry's Pals - Emotional support for parents following a diagnosis (
Children’s Centres
Children's Centre services in Northamptonshire offer a range of support to families of children from birth to 5 years old, when your child joins reception class at primary school. They are available to everyone.
Parent support groups found in these settings.
Children's Centres | West Northamptonshire Council (
Support for children with Special Education Needs and Disabilities
Strengthening Families support
Strengthening Families is a service that works intensively with disabled children or young people and their families where there are complex disabilities or additional needs and the support needed is not available from agencies involved with the child or young person (e.g. the schools or the SEND Support Service).
SEND Support Service
The SEND Support Service offers advice and support to children, young people, families, carers and a range of educational establishments for children with special educational needs and/or autism, aged 0 to 19 years. SEND Support Service | West Northamptonshire Council (
Local Offer (West Northants)
The Local Offer:
• provides information for families with children who have a special educational need or disability
• improves choice and transparency for these families
• helps professionals to understand the range of local services and provision
• improves joint commissioning arrangements for services by setting out (in a single place) what is available locally
Information on available parent support groups – can be searched on this site Local Offer | West Northamptonshire Council (