We still don't know exactly why endometriosis happens, but there are a number of theories that put forward various possible causes. For example:
- Some of your womb lining may travel the wrong way during your period (known as retrograde menstruation), travelling through the fallopian tubes and into the pelvis instead of leaving your body as a period
- An issue with your immune system may mean your body is unable to recognise and fight off endometrium cells found outside the womb
- Very rarely, endometriosis can affect areas of the body other than the pelvis, which supports the theory that endometriosis tissue might travel away from the uterus through your bloodstream or lymphatic system to other areas of the body
- Some research suggests that there is a possible genetic predisposition to endometriosis with a higher incidence amongst sisters
None of these explanations is complete, and none of them explains every case of endometriosis.