Pain or severe bleeding during early pregnancy
If you are experiencing severe pain or very heavy bleeding in early pregnancy (less than 20 weeks) you should dial 999 or attend accident and emergency immediately. Our emergency department colleagues have 24-hour access to our gynaecology emergency on call team.
You should call your midwife or GP immediately if you have any bleeding from your vagina.
About our service
Our early pregnancy service is ran by a team of highly skilled nurses, many of which are nurse sonographers. The team work alongside our clinical team in the gynaecology department. The service is available to all women who are under 20 weeks pregnant.
Our services
The early pregnancy service provides the following:
- Reassurance scanning for patients with a history of miscarriage
- Threatened miscarriage - vaginal bleeding/abdominal pain scanning and management
- Ectopic diagnosis and management
- Booking for surgical management of missed miscarriage
- Booking for medical management of missed miscarriage
- Referral to partners in Leicester for molar pregnancy
- Accept British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) referrals for diagnosis scan and plan
- Patients post-delivery for abnormal bleeding to assess for retained products
- Assessment of risks for thrombosis in early pregnancy and management
- Sign posting for after care services and information available to our patient group
- Sensitive management of loss
- Women’s counselling service