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Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust




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NGH Nurse who supports end-of-life care receives top award from the Chief Nursing Officer for England

A nurse from Northampton General Hospital has received a prestigious national award for her outstanding work supporting patients and their families in end-of-life care.
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Silently scooting to work on an e-bike is good for you

Staff at Kettering and Northampton general hospitals have been silently scooting into work on e-bikes as part of a green initiative.
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Mask wearing reintroduced in our hospitals

From today (Tuesday, July 12) both Kettering and Northampton general hospitals have reintroduced mask-wearing for all staff, patients and visitors, because of a significant increase in Covid-19 infections.
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Hotel Services Recruitment Day

We are hosting a recruitment day event, on Friday 8 July from 09.00-19.00 at the Park Inn Hotel, for people who would like to join our Hotel Services team, which includes roles in Catering, Domestic and Cleaning, Portering and Accommodation Admin.
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Hospital Group works towards a sustainable future

We are celebrating some of our efforts towards a sustainable future as a hospital Group.
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Updated guidance on masks and face coverings

Patients, visitors, and staff are no longer required to wear a face mask in most areas of the hospital. Anyone visiting the site is still welcome to wear a mask in any of our hospital buildings, if they prefer to do so. However, to help protect the safety of our most vulnerable patients, Mask Wearing Zones have been introduced in some clinical areas.
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Charity creates thankufest, the first ever events programme designed to honour our health & social care heroes

Northamptonshire Health Charity News: Helping create meaningful memories for Northamptonshire NHS & health and social care staff and their families
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Patients and staff at NGH and KGH get into the Jubilee spirit

Staff at the hospitals have been busy decorating their areas with Jubilee flags and hand-made decorations as part of a competition for best-dressed ward, department or office space.
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Relaxing of visiting restrictions at Northampton General Hospital

We are pleased to announce that we are returning to pre-pandemic visiting levels in our areas where there are no Covid cases (green zones). The change is due to a continued reduction in Covid cases within our hospitals and the local communities. Two visitors will be able to visit a patient for up to 2 hours a day, during either 2-4 or 6-8pm. Pre-booking is no longer required but we will ask you to sign in and out of the ward.
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Breast-screening in Northants is up to date thanks to extra work done by hospital teams

The breast screening teams at Kettering and Northampton general hospitals have succeeded in catching-up on appointment backlogs created by the COVID-19 pandemic.
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