Children's Ward
In 1912 the children’s ward was on the 2nd floor of the west wing female ward block, and was called Victoria Ward.
The new ear, nose and throat and children’s ward department was opened in 1938 by Countess Spencer. The building cost £20,475 and helped to reduce the waiting list.

Spencer Ward Around 1914
This ward was for many years a female surgical ward, named after the Spencer family, who had supported the infirmaries from the beginning. Today it is the gynaecology department.

Mr Keith Thomas, Ear, Nose and Throat Consultant carrying out a bedside class to student nurses in the 1970s.

The Dispensary
In 1921 the Dispensary was situated in the Out-patient Department, originally based on the Billing Road side of the hospital.
The Historical Archive holds a collection of pharmaceutical books and artefacts.

X-Ray Department in the 1950s
The first reference to X-rays in the hospital was in 1896 when the Board was asked to sanction the purchase of apparatus, “for the production of Rontgen rays.”

Laundry Around 1930
At that time the nurses’ uniforms and patients bedding were washed in the hospital laundry and on fine days were dried outside on washing lines.

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