Who to contact

Attending appointments in Children’s Hearing Clinic: If you are coming to the hospital for your appointment in the Children’s Hearing Clinic, please book in and wait in the Children's Outpatients Department situated on the Ground Floor of Area K (Outpatients)
Questions about referrals/appointments and for any other queries: Please call the clinic (01604 545810). If you are asked to leave a message on the answer machine, please state your child’s name, date of birth and address and we will return your call. Alternatively, you can email your query to: ngh-tr.childrens.hearing@nhs.net
Hearing aid Batteries: Please call the clinic (01604 545810). If you are asked to leave a message on the answer machine, please state your child’s name, date of birth and address and we will post batteries out to you. Alternatively, you can email your request to: ngh-tr.childrens.hearing@nhs.net
Hearing aid repairs: Please call the department if you have a broken hearing aid/s for advice (Monday-Friday 9-4pm). If you are asked to leave a message on the answer machine, please state your child’s name, date of birth and address and we will call you back. Alternatively, you can email your request to: ngh-tr.childrens.hearing@nhs.net
Ear moulds: Please call the department (01604 545810) with problems with ear moulds and leave a message. An audiologist will call you back.
Lost hearing aids: Please call the department (01604 545810) and leave a message. An audiologist will call you back
Glue Ear - Useful links
National Deaf Childrens Society Glue ear leaflet for parents:
NHS information on Glue ear (includes a video describing glue ear suitable for adults and children)
Glue ear - NHS (www.nhs.uk)
National Deaf Children’s Society – further information about Glue ear
Causes of glue ear | Information about glue ear (ndcs.org.uk)
National Deaf Children’s Society - Childrens cartoon describing glue ear (please view yourself to ensure this would be suitable for your child)
National Deaf Children’s Society – Parents face book group (Support)