Contact Details
Telephone: 01604 545434
Triage Line: 01604 523529
How to find us
The Barratt Birth Centre/Balmoral Ward is located in area L.
The nearest entrance is the West entrance, near Cheyne Walk. Proceed along the corridor past the Sturtridge maternity ward. Go through the automatic doors and turn left. Continue the end of the corridor and turn right. Continue to the end of the corridor and turn right. Take the stairs or the lift (elevator) to the first floor. You can also view our hospital map for assistance.
If you have any concerns about coronavirus (CORVID-19) you can get up-to-date information from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) website.
Visiting times
For more information on visiting times, please visit our page on wards and visiting.
About us
Our birth centre opened in December 2013 and is the first alongside midwife-led unit in the county. Since opening we have received excellent friends and family feedback. We have a Facebook page where you can see images of the centre and see the comments from the women and families who have used our service.
The birth centre, located on Balmoral ward has four birthing rooms, three of which have pools, with kitchenettes and double beds. The birth centre provides a way of having a baby in a more homely and calming environment, with all the benefits of having expert medical support very close by should the need arise.
We have an integral award winning home birth team who work as part of the Birth Centre team offering antenatal care, labour and birth options at home; speak to your community midwife for more details.
We are proud to be able to offer a complete range of birth options for women and their families in Northampton. The value of caring for women in a conducive environment is known to be key to their birth experience, be that in an obstetric labour ward, a birth centre or at home. We are now able to offer all these choices and, in so doing, ensure that women receive the care that is right for them and their baby in the right place at the right time.
Please see our Facebook page Barratt Birth Centre for more photos and reviews and videos.