If you have completed a holistic needs assessment with your cancer nurse specialist you may be familiar with the concerns checklist. If you have any non urgent queries or concerns regarding preparing washing and dressing, simply click on the link and you will be redirected to the relevant service or information source. If you have any urgent concerns please contact your cancer nurse specialist in the first instance.
Washing and Dressing
Telephone: 0300 126 1000 |
Visit Website |
The Supporting Independence Programme
• Have you noticed any recent changes in your health? • Do you have difficulties walking or need help moving about? • Are everyday tasks such as shopping becoming more difficult? • Do you need someone to help you on a regular basis? • When you need help, do you sometimes feel lonely or isolated?
The Supporting Independence Programme provides up to 12 weeks of one to one support for those of us who may have slowed a little, are feeling less confident getting around or who need someone to help on a regular basis.
This could be supporting you to increase your levels of physical activity, helping you to access medication reviews or providing emotional or nutritional support and advice. Support can be face to face or over the phone depending on your preference.
Telephone: 01536 524986
01604 611200
Visit Website |
For people aged over 60 living in Northamptonshire:
Toenail cutting service: 01604 611200