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Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust


Page Contents

Contact details

Leads of Service
Role Clinical Lead, Ophthalmology Gopi Reddy 01604 523148
Role Directorate Manager, Ophthalmology Name Julie Wilson Contact 01604 545710
Interim Matron Kelly Gurney  
Role Ophthalmic Theatre Sister Name Debbie Haynes/Debbie Hill Contact 01604 545484
Role Sister, Ophthalmology Outpatients Name Mini Jaimon Contact 01604 544829
Role Sister, Eye Emergency Department Atanska Marlow Contact 01604 545085
Role Head of Orthoptics Victoria Standford Contact 01604 545486
Role Admin Manager-Outpatients and Appointments, Ophthalmology Name Martha Tull Contact 01604 544705
Role Admin Manager-Inpatients, Ophthalmology Name Nicole Banks Contact 01604 545984

How to contact Northampton General Hospital Ophthalmology Department


Telephone: 01604 523925

Telephone Options
Option NumberService
Option 1 Eye Cas
Option 2 Clinic co-ordinator
Option 3 Medical Secretaries
Option 4 Failsafe officers
Option 5 Orthoptics

Theatre Telephone: 01604 544584

Opening times:

Outpatients: 8.30am – 5.00pm

Theatre: 7.30am – 6.00pm

Contact us by email:

Patient identifiable data should only be sent between accounts; if this is not possible it should be posted to the department.

Soon but non-emergency patient referrals

  • Refer to GP via normal quickest route.
  • GP will know to flag referral as Urgent when loaded on to Directly Bookable Service (e-Referral).
  • Help the GP by stating which clinic the patient should be referred to, by selecting appropriate clinic on GOS18 form.
  • Please give sufficient advice and clarify features which lead to referral to ensure flags are identified on triage.
  • Once the referral is received with OEH, an ophthalmologist will triage the referral to ensure clinic time scale is appropriate.

Directly Bookable Service for Ophthalmology

The GP surgery will generate an appointment referral request with appropriate priority (urgent or routine) for the service on e-Referral and UBRN in the usual way.

An electronic proforma or appropriate letter needs to be attached to the e-Referral Service by the surgery within 48 hours for a routine or urgent appointment.

In the case that the Trust cannot provide an immediate appointment, 'Defer to Provider' can be selected and Trust processes will be in place to contact the patient within 48 hours for an urgent or routine appointment.

18WW clock will start on the date the GP or patient makes the appointment booking.

GPs should check their patients have appointments on their e-Referral worklist. This applies to all appointment requests made through e-Referral.

How to find us

We are based in Area L; the nearest car park is car park four.

Click here for the hospital map

About the team

Current Medical Establishment

The department at present consists of eleven consultants:

Ophthalmology Department Consultants
Miss Diana Mather Glaucoma
Mr Gopi Reddy Medical Retina & Clinical Lead
Mr M Logendran Medical Retina
Mr T McMullan Oculoplastic
Ms Deepa Rathore Oculoplastic & Clinical Lead
Mr Subhanjan Mukherji Glaucoma
Ms S. Patil Diabetic Retinopathy & General
Ms Aneesa Rahim Eye casualty / General Ophthalmology
Ms. M Mathew Cornea & External eye disease
Mr S. Aslam Visiting VR surgeon from Oxford
Locum consultant Paediatric ophthalmology / Strabismus


  • Cataracts and general ophthalmology
  • Corneal and external eye diseases
  • Glaucoma and Glaucoma monitoring unit
  • Oculoplastic (Lid lacrimal and orbit)
  • Medical retina including diabetic retinopathy and age-related macular degeneration and uveitis.
  • Paediatric ophthalmology
  • Orthoptic department
  • Low visual aid clinic
  • Artificial eye service


We provide a one stop Cataract clinic in which the patients have their initial pre-op assessment, are seen by the consultants and are given a date for surgery all on the same day. Our waiting times for surgery are 4 weeks. Patients will be able to see further information on the cataract journey by clicking on the following link Cataract PrePost Op - Version 2.1 - YouTube

Corneal and external eye diseases

This is lead by our full time Corneal consultant Ms Mathew, she provides a complete service which includes management of cases such as corneal ulcers, inflammation and she has surgical expertise in corneal grafts and refractive cataract surgery.

Glaucoma and Glaucoma monitoring unit (GMU)

We have two Glaucoma consultants Ms Mather and Mr Mukherji who provide a comprehensive service and run a very efficient Glaucoma monitoring unit for stable Glaucoma patients.

Oculoplastic (Lid lacrimal and orbit)

We have two Oculoplastic consultants, Mr McMullan and Ms Rathore who provide a Oculoplastic service which includes management of lid lacrimal and orbital cases, they provide surgical management for eye lid malformations like entropion, ectropion, ptosis. They manage thyroid eye disease and perform eyelid tumour excision and reconstruction; they also perform lacrimal surgery including the dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) and temporal artery biopsy.

Medical retina including diabetic retinopathy and age-related macular degeneration and uveitis.

We have four medical retina consultants,

Mr Reddy and Mr Logendran oversee the Medical Retina service including managing diabetic retinopathy patients and accepting referrals from the diabetic retinopathy screening programme, as well as running the Age-Related Macular Degeneration service.

Ms Patil manages diabetic macular oedema.

Ms Rahim manages the uveitis service.

Paediatric ophthalmology

We have a locum consultant providing a paediatric ophthalmology service managing a range of paediatric diseases and performing squint surgery.

Orthoptic department

We have a team of four orthoptists, who are led by our Head Orthoptist, Victoria Sandford.  The team support the paediatric and the adult ocular motility service. We have an inhouse optometrist who helps in refraction for the children. We also have an inhouse low visual aid specialist. 

Artificial eye service

We have a weekly artificial eye service.

The hospital provides a full range of investigative support services on-site including CT and MRI scanning and electro diagnostics, as well as Medical Photography.

Eye casualty

We have recently transformed our Eye casualty service from a walk-in service to a telephone triage and booked appointment system. Patients will need to contact us by phone before coming to the hospital.

Once you ring the eye casualty the reception will take your details and put your name down for telephone triage.

You will then be contacted by the triage nurses who will ask you questions based on your complaints and thereafter give you a time to be seen in the eye casualty based on the urgency.

They may give you advise about your condition and may direct you to your GP or Optometrist. Please contact the service on to 01604 545085 in case of emergency which is sight threatening and sudden loss of vision please contact our eye casualty mobile on 07395377030.

Eye casualty services are available:

  • Monday- Saturday 8.30am- 4.30pm
  • Sundays and Bank Holidays- 9.00am- 12.30pm

If you need urgent help outside of these hours, please go to the Accident and Emergency department, Ophthalmology provides a 24/7 on-call service.

Out of hours

For urgent advice, please go to Main A&E who will contact the on-call doctor.


  • Eye clinic with seven consulting rooms, Argon and NdYAG laser machines, fluorescein angiography, optical coherence tomography, corneal topography, visual field analysers, HRT scanner.
  • Eye Theatre with phacoemulsification machine
  • Eye casualty with treatment room
  • Orthoptic department

Other information

We have satellite units at Danetre Hospital in Daventry and Danes Camp Medical Centre in East Hunsbury where we run an outpatient service.

Waiting times

Cataracts first apt              8 weeks

ARMD New                       2-6 weeks

DMO News                        6-10 weeks

Glaucoma News                8 weeks

Oculoplastic News             12 weeks

Cornea News                     9 weeks

VR News                            7 weeks

Medical Retina News         9 weeks

Uveitis News                      8 weeks

Links on other websites

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