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Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust

Virtual Fracture Clinic

Virtual Fracture Clinic (VFC)

Contact details

Direct dial virtual fracture clinic: 01604 544800

Fracture Clinic 01604 523839

After your injury the Emergency Department or your G.P. will refer you to the ‘Virtual Fracture Clinic’ where the the oncall orthopaedic consultant will assess your injury/broken bone.

What will happen next?

The Virtual Fracture Clinic is the core of a new safe, effective and validated method to evaluate your injury by reviewing your X-Rays and the initial assessment from the Emergency Department (A & E); this will be done within 24-48 hours of your attendance to the Emergency Department.

You will not need to attend the Hospital when the assessment is taking place; hence the term ‘Virtual Clinic’Y

After the assessment: 

  • Dependent on the outcome of the virtual consultation, a specialist orthopaedic nurse will contact you over the phone to discuss your treatment or provide advice, with a followup appointment if necessary.
  • An appointments booking clerk will contact you to arrange an appointment in most appropriate clinic.
  • You might receive an appointment letter over the post, if appointment is arranged for you in the next 10-14 days (non urgent)
  • You might be asked to come on the same day to the hospital for further treatment/investigation.


You and your GPs will receive a letter outlining the assessment and outcome.

Prior to leaving the Emergency department please make sure the hospital has an up to date telephone number.

You must bear in mind that the hospital will call you with a withheld number - please do not ignore the number as you won’t otherwise be able to receive advice. If phone the call is not answered, a message will be left where possible.

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