If you already work for us in a health care support role, and you want to become a registered nurse, The Open University’s NMC-approved pre-registration nursing programme could be the answer. It enables you to stay in work while you study as an apprentice.
It takes four years to study the programme, which is a balance of practical and theoretical learning. It’s designed to develop effective evidence-based practice and essential underpinning knowledge and understanding, in an inter-professional and interdisciplinary environment.
You study part-time at home to fit in with other commitments and we give you protected time for practice learning. You will also complete apprentice hours on your ward. You also learn through work-based learning and in group tutorials. Throughout your study, you’ll have the full support of our on-site professional development team
On successful completion of the programme, you’ll be eligible to apply for registration as a nurse with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC).