NGH Chairman appointment extended

Paul Farenden
NHS Improvement has confirmed that Paul Farenden's current term of office as Chair of Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust has been extended to 31 October 2018.
Paul, who has lived in Northamptonshire for more than 30 years and has more than 40 years' NHS experience, was first appointed to the role of Chairman in March 2012.
Speaking about his appointment, Paul said: “I am pleased that my term of office has been extended. The team at NGH have made great improvements during recent years, as recognised not only by the CQC, who awarded NGH a Good rating in November this year, but also by the wider recognition achieved by many of our staff who have received or been shortlisted for external awards.'
'Whilst our principal focus at NGH is to maintain patient safety and provide the best possible care, it is no secret that we, like a great many other NHS trusts, face significant challenges going forward in the form of rising demand and the need to strengthen our financial position without compromising the quality and safety of the care we provide. We will also continue to work closely with our partners to improve the overall health and care system in the county."
A qualified accountant with considerable experience in financial management, change management and leadership Paul has always been determined to ensure that the quality of patient care is the first priority.
Non-executive appointments to NHS Trusts made by NHS Improvement are subject to the Code of Practice of the Commissioner for Public Appointments. Paul has declared no political interests or political activity. His salary is published in our annual report and accounts.
Posted on Wednesday 27th December 2017