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Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust

Gynaecology Emergency Admission Clinic (GEAC)

Contact details

Telephone: 01604 544614

Opening times: 08.00 – 18.00 Monday to Friday

How to find us

The department is situated in Area S. The nearest Car Park is number 4. Access is through the gynaecology unit entrance off Cheyne walk car park or via the Billing Road entrance. You can also view our hospital map for assistance.


Our service

This is a nurse-led specialist service for women who need emergency care for acute gynaecological problems (problems related to the female reproductive system) and for women having serious problems in early pregnancy (up to 18 weeks), such as pain, bleeding or severe vomiting.

There are facilities for examination and ultrasound scanning. The service is supported by a trainee doctor and consultant on call.


Who can be referred?

Women up to 20 weeks pregnancy who have a positive pregnancy test and have:
-    Abdominal or pelvic pain which persists despite use of  regular paracetamol and rest
-    Vaginal bleeding
-    Previous ectopic pregnancy
-    Intrauterine contraceptive device in-situ
-    3 or more miscarriages


What should I expect?

Assessment of complications in pregnancy may involve a pregnancy test, urine test, ultrasound scan, sonocaid and a physical examination.

The staff will listen to your symptoms and advise relevant tests, these may include blood tests, urine tests and a physical or internal examination, and they will also check for a non-pregnancy cause of the symptoms such as an urinary tract infection. 

Scanning – please note: if you are under 7 weeks pregnant it is unlikely that you will receive a scan until your blood pregnancy hormone levels have been established. 

This is an emergency service and as such appointment times are not guaranteed sometimes you may have to wait up to 4 hours. However we endeavour to see people as soon as we can and most people are with us for around 2 hours. 

You may be seen by a male doctor or sonographer depending on who is on duty.


How do I access this service?

We do not currently provide a walk-in service.  Referrals are either from a GP, the accident and emergency unit or urgent care centre.  We also take referrals from other health care providers both in the public and private sectors. 

Where possible we will see you within 24-48 hours (weekdays only). 

Patients with three previous, recurrent miscarriages, a previous ectopic pregnancy or previous molar pregnancy can self-refer by contacting the unit prior to attendance. 


I am bleeding, do I need to come straight away to hospital?

Bleeding and pain in pregnancy is worrying, but if the bleeding is similar to a period, you are better to stay home, take regular paracetamol and call your GP or midwife for advice on what to do next.


You only need to come to hospital if:

  • your bleeding is much more than a period where you are having to change pads hourly
  • you have large clots
  • you are taking two paracetamol every 4-6 hours, but your pain is not controlled/worsening
  • your pain is going into the end of your shoulder tips
  • you feel faint/unwell because of the bleeding/pain

Unfortunately there is nothing we or you can do to stop a miscarriage, however, lots of women bleed in pregnancy and their baby is growing completely normally. Bleeding does not mean you will definitely miscarry. You will be offered an appointment in the early pregnancy unit over the next few days, depending on your symptoms and your gestation, however unless you have the emergency symptoms discussed above, you do not need to come to hospital now.


I don't like taking painkillers - should I take them?

If you are coming to us because of a problem with pain, it is helpful if you take the paracetamol regularly first to allow us to monitor the pain level. Even if we carry out a scan, it will not take away the pain, so we still need to get your pain under control. If the pain is worsening; going into your shoulder tips; you feel unwell because of the pain, then you need to call your GP or midwife or come to the Emergency Department.


What should I bring to my appointment?

A full bladder helps as sometimes we will repeat your pregnancy test. If you have green maternity notes, please bring those. 

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