
The Gynaecology Department at Northampton General Hospital (NGH) NHS Trust is a multidisciplinary unit of doctors, nurses, counsellors and administration staff whose aim is to provide excellent gynaecological care to women.
The philosophy of care for the Gynaecology Department is to provide a one stop service in the outpatient setting which incorporates investigations leading to a management plan. This department has a strong interest in outpatient and day case procedures. We offer a full range of skills and equipment to provide all forms of minimal invasive surgery (hysteroscopic and laparoscopic surgery). The Northamptonshire Gynaecological Cancer Centre which offers cancer treatment and support to women from Northamptonshire and Milton Keynes is based in the department.
The department achieves this mission by:
- Serving as an advocate for quality health care for women
- Maintaining the highest standards of clinical practice, patient safety and experience
- Ensuring that our work environment is maintained at a high standard of cleanliness
- Maintaining patient's dignity and respecting their privacy
- Sustaining an excellent information network within the department to allow continuing professional development
- Promoting patient education to ensure patient understanding and participation in their care
- Increasing department members' awareness of the changing health care climate and the impact of change on clinical practice
Specialist Gynaecology Services include:
Find out more about our Gynaecology team on our About the Team page.