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Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust

Urogynaecology Clinic

Contact details

Telephone: 01604 545781

Open Monday to Friday

How to find us

Urogynae is located in Area S in the Gynaecology Unit. The nearest car park is No 4. Entrance is via the gynaecology reception. You can also view our hospital map for assistance.


The department covers all aspects of female incontinence, vaginal prolapse and pelvic floor dysfunction. We offer a comprehensive assessment and investigation service, leading to conservative treatment and if appropriate surgical treatment. This is undertaken by a multi-disciplinary team including doctors and specialist nurses.

The department receives referrals via your GP, other departments within the hospital and other hospitals as well as from the community continence services for a variety of problems related to the female pelvic floor. This includes Urinary incontinence, difficulty passing urine, recurrent urinary tract infections (cystitis), defecation problems, faecal incontinence, vaginal prolapse and other vaginal problems. We also look after women who have recently delivered and who have experienced perineal problems or urinary or bowel problems. 

The timeframe of the appointment depends on the severity of the referral. You will see a doctor, specialist nurse and a physiotherapist (depending on your problem) who will assess your situation and recommend the treatment options. You will need to have a vaginal examination.  If you have problems with your bladder, we ask you to attend your appointment with a comfortably full bladder.  

You may require further investigations, with may include ultrasound scans and/or urodynamics (an outpatient test to assess the functioning of your bladder). You will be given full information about all that is required before we perform any tests. Summary of all clinic attendances will be sent to your doctor and you will receive a copy of that letter.

We are a multidisciplinary team. We have regular meetings with Urology, colorectal and medical team to provide multidisciplinary support.

As we are a teaching unit, you may find trainee doctors and nurses in the clinic. They will be supervised during any procedure.

Conditions treated

  • Female urinary incontinence – stress incontinence and overactive bladder
  • Painful bladder syndrome/interstitial cystitis
  • Recurrent urinary tract infections – assessment and management
  • Voiding dysfunction (difficulty passing urine)
  • Vaginal prolapse of all types
  • Fibroid uterus with an impact on urinary symptoms
  • Perineal problems


All our treatment offered follow recommendations from organisations like NICE, Royal college of Obstetricians and gynaecologists and British Society of Urogynaecologist. 


What should I bring to my appointment?

You will be sent a questionnaire to complete which helps us to see how your bladder or vaginal symptoms are affecting your life. We will include a urinary diary, which enables us to look at how your bladder functions on a day to day basis. This helps us with the assessment and management of your symptoms.

How much time should I allow before my appointment?

You may need to allow time for parking/walking from the car park. Every effort is made to ensure we keep to time. We allow an hour per appointment because we offer a thorough assessment and” one stop” appointment where possible.


About the team

The Urogynaecology Clinic is Nurse Led. Many patients do not need to be seen by a consultant they can be managed by the Nurses and the GP.  Our staff members include:

  • Mrs Ami Shukla – Consultant Gynaecologist  and Obstetrician, Lead Urogynaecologist
  • Mrs Jyothi Kambhampati – Consultant Gynaecologist  and Obstetrician
  • Veronica Hagger – Urogynaecology Nurse Specialist
  • Joanne Smith – Senior Nurse
  • Melody Norton-Evans – Specialist Physiotherapist
  • Angela Leung – Specialist Physiotherapist
  • Janice Marsh – Secretary to Mrs Shukla
  • Michelle Lamberton- Secretary to Mrs Kambhampati
  • Saira Khan &  Christine Langford– Clinic Co-Ordinator

Links on other websites

Other information

We also offer a telephone advice service and the opportunity, where appropriate, to carry out a review of symptoms by telephone for those who may have difficulty attending the clinic.

We review patients who have had surgery, usually whilst they are in hospital and again after discharge if necessary.

We offer support during pregnancy to ladies experiencing bladder difficulties.

We offer teaching sessions to GP practices.


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