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Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust

Dementia Care

Dementia Care


We are committed to providing safe and effective care for our patients with dementia as well as offering support for family, friends and carers of those living with dementia. We have a Dementia Liaison Nurse who offers support across the hospital to staff, patients and visitors as required.

Dementia Liaison Nurse

Tel: 01604 544516
Ext: 4516
Mobile: 078474 794762



Current Projects

Do it For Dementia (DIFD)
Northamptonshire Health Charitable fund hold a Do It for Dementia fund which goes towards projects and supplies which aim to improve the experience of those with dementia in our care. Funds raised have already gone towards a dementia friendly garden space, the provision of activity boxes for wards and recliner chairs for 4 wards, so that carers can have a more comfortable place to sit and rest if spending prolonged periods of time with their loved one.

If you would like to raise money for this fund or donate please contact our charity team on 01604 626927.

Volunteer Dementia Buddies
We have a small number of volunteers who spend time on the wards to provide social stimulation, activities and basic support for our patients with dementia. They are given dementia awareness level 1 training by the dementia liaison nurse, and are supported by the volunteers manager as required. We are always looking for more volunteers so if you are interested and can spare a minimum of 3 hours a week, please contact 01604 523159 for more information.

Dementia & Learning Disability champions
From January 2018, the learning disability liaison nurse and dementia liasion nurse have combined the champion role to help ensure that staff from across the hospital are advocates for best possible care of these vulnerable patients. These champions are provided with ongoing support from the lead nurses to aid staff development and patient experience.


Support at NGH

Dementia Liaison Nurse
Catherine offers support to the hospital staff in the following ways:

  • Support with managing challenging behaviours via non-medicated routes.
  • Guiding and assisting with complex discharges and capacity concerns.
  • Dementia training for all staff
  • Helping staff to identify whether a patient is experiencing a delirium and/or dementia and providing guidance as required.

Dementia and Delirium Team  

This team supports patients who have experienced an episode of delirium or who have dementia to return home after discharge. If your patient's discharge destination is their own home but they need assessments to help this be achieved then please refer to the D&D team. Please note that they do not take on referrals if the patient is going into a care environment.

Tel: 01604 544761
Reception: 01604 545360

Liaison Psychiatry for Older People
This is a team of mental health nurses, occupational therapists and a consultant who cover both NGH and KGH to assess older people who are experiencing a mental health problem. They support wards who are managing patients with challenging behaviour and this can at times be our patients who have dementia. They are at times requested to assess a patient for dementia but were possible a diagnosis is not given in hospital as cognitive assessments are ideally completed in the patient’s own environment to help ensure accurate diagnosis. Ward staff refer into this team as clinical need indicates.

Northamptonshire Carers

Northamptonshire Carers have Support Workers based at Northampton. The aim is to help make a positive difference to the lives of informal Carers who pass through the hospital. By having workers based here it is hoped that previously unrecognised Carers will be able to access the support they deserve.

The workers’ key priorities are to improve the support for informal Carers not just during a hospital admission but also in the weeks after discharge and beyond. This support includes offering emotional help and reassurance, giving practical advice and information, liaising with other services and referring on for Carers Assessments where appropriate.

The team accept referrals from across the hospital but will happily accept self-referrals. You can make a referral online any time at or make contact Monday to Friday on one of the numbers below.

 Northampton General Hospital office: 01604 544274

 Northamptonshire Carers Support line: 01933 677907


Useful information

John’s Campaign

NGH is proud to embrace John’s Campaign across the hospital. This campaign began following a families experience of acute care and the impact restricted visiting had on their loved one with dementia, to read the full story please click here

John’s Campaign facilitates flexible visiting for carers of people with dementia who are in hospital. Therefore if you wish to support your loved one at meal times, with personal care or with social and cognitive stimulation please talk to the nurse in charge of their care to discuss how they can work with you to best support you and your loved one.

You may be asked to complete a carers charter which is a written agreement between a carer and the staff to help guide joint working.

Please be aware that at times visiting may need to be restricted due to infection control matters, to protect other patient’s dignity and if a critical care area.

Activity boxes

All our main wards have activity boxes which have tools to help stimulate a person with dementia.

Patient profiles

This is a booklet of information about the person with dementia. Staff are asked to give this the patient/their carer/friend or family to complete so that staff can learn a bit more about the person with dementia and how best to support them.

Please feel free to downoad the form below and complete this if your loved one is in hospital or as preperation in case of a situation in which they need to come in to hospital.

Dementia Profile Jun 18 NGV2093


Outpatient support

If you have an outpatient appointment please let the staff know if you require any reasonable adjustments in relation to any difficulties that may arise due to the dementia symptoms.  Examples of these include:

  • Needing an early/late appointment due to the impact the time may have on you/your loved one.
  • If you require a carer to be present throughout the appointment/investigation.
  • Needing appointment letters/details to come to the next of kin due to capacity issues.

Useful contacts

Dementia Liaison Nurse.
01604 544516

Northamptonshire Carers, based at NGH.
01604 544274

Alzheimer’s Society
01832 736670

Dementia UK
0800 888 6678

Age UK
01604 611200

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