What matters to you, matters to us
We welcome all feedback to improve our services.
If you are happy with the care and treatment we have given you, we would be delighted to hear from you. Our staff work very hard to give high quality care to our patients and greatly value your feedback about what went well.
How to share your feedback
Within the hospital we actively collect feedback from patients, carers and families. There are a number of ways in which we do this;

The Friends & Family Test (FFT)
The Friends & Family Test is a national survey which runs throughout all services within the hospital. It gives you the opportunity to answer one key question;
‘Overall, how was your experience of our service’
There are six options for you to select from. After this question, you are able to provide us with a free text comment about your experience with us. There are a number of ways in which we collect the FFT to ensure we give everybody an equal opportunity to share their feedback. These include SMS text messaging, Automated Calls to your landline number through our approved contractor, Healthcare Communications, a suite of postcards, electronic tablets within some wards and department and online surveys. We also have surveys which are multi-language and surveys which are specially tailored for children. For more information on the Friends & Family Test please click here.
Local feedback surveys
We are always looking at how we can improve your experience and one way that we do this is through our local surveys. These change all the time depending on what areas we are focusing on. If you reply to the FFT question through text message (see above) then you may receive a follow up survey asking you some more specific questions on the service. These surveys are anonymous.
The surveys that we have running at the moment are as follows:
The inpatient journey survey
Each year the hospital undertakes a series of national surveys to understand how the hospital is performing compared to other hospitals. At NGH we believe it is important to continuously ensure that we are providing high quality care. For this reason we have started our own inpatient journey survey within our inpatient wards.
If you have stayed with us recently, you may receive a survey within the post a few weeks after you leave us. This will come from the people that send the surveys out for us, Patient Perspective. Your survey is completely anonymous and we welcome you to share your experience with us openly and honestly. Please send your completed survey back to Patient Perspective in the envelope provided.
If you do not wish to share your feedback, simply do not complete the survey.
The CQC National surveys
When you receive care at an NHS hospital, you may be asked to take part in a national patient survey. These include;
- The National Inpatient & Day Case Survey
- The National Maternity Survey
- The National Cancer Survey
- The National Children & Young People’s Survey
- The National Outpatient Survey
- The National Neonatal Survey
All responses to the surveys are completely anonymous. Feedback is collected centrally by our contracted survey provider, Patient Perspective, and the national results are published each year by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
Other ways you can share your feedback
There are a number of other ways you can share your feedback with us and we welcome you to do so, you can:
- tell the staff on the ward or in the department
write a comment on the NHS Choices website so that everyone can see your feedback
share your experience on the Care Opinion website
complete a 4C’s form – these are available within all clinical areas
write to our chief executive who will make sure all relevant members of staff hear about the compliments they receive:
Chief Executive
Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust
Billing Road
tell us on Facebook or Twitter.