Extended visiting hours during Ramadan
To allow people enough time to visit their loved ones following Iftar, we are extending our visiting hours to 10pm across all UHN hospitals this Ramadan. These hours will apply to all visitors, until 30 March.
Inpatient Adult Wards
Visiting times on most adult inpatient wards are between 11am-8pm with two visitors allowed per visit.
These visiting hours may vary depending on individual ward circumstances. Separate, and often more flexible, arrangements are already in place for maternity, critical care, paediatrics, and end-of-life care.
We ask that family members to communicate with each other to ensure they plan their visits during the allocated visiting time to adhere to the two visitors rule and we ask that children under five do not visit.
You must not visit someone in hospital if you have a cough, cold, diarrhoea, vomiting or any other infectious condition. If you have been unwell please do not visit the hospital until at least 48 hours after symptoms have passed.
If a ward is closed to visiting due to Infection Control Guidelines, visiting may only be able to continue in exceptional circumstances on compassionate grounds. Visitors should contact the ward and discuss any visiting arrangements with the nurse in charge.