Patients with a learning disability often need special help to ensure that they receive care and treatment which meets their individual needs.
The learning disability team at Northampton General Hospital help support people with a learning disability, their families and carers. They work with hospital staff to help them understand how best to support people with a learning disability.
How we help
- We use hospital passports so we better understand your needs and wishes
- We can provide information in different ways including easy read
- We can let hospital staff know about any extra support or worries that you have about coming to hospital
- We ensure patient and carer feedback is used to develop our services

Lauren Barrett - Learning Disability Liaison Nurse
Telephone: 01604 545431

Paul Blake - Learning Disability Support Worker
Tel: 01604 545431
You can contact Lauren or Paul if you or a family member with a learning disability is receiving care from us and you want to know more about what to expect when you get here.
Useful Documents
NGH Learning Disability Strategy 2022-25
Easy Read CT Leaflet
Easy Read MRI Leaflet
Easy Read X-Ray Leaflet