Local Neonatal Unit
Contact details
Telephone: 01604 545520

Gosset Ward
Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust
Northampton NN1 5BD
How to find us:
Gosset ward is located in area M, (West entrance). The nearest car parks are 3 and 4. Disabled car parking is available in area K. Admission to the neonatal unit is through Disney ward, which is via swipe-controlled doors. Please ring the bell for Gosset and state the surname of the baby.
Click here for the hospital map
Visiting times (excluding parents/carers who have open access to the unit)
The presence of parents/carers and siblings are welcomed anytime on Gosset Ward. 2 additional friends or family members can visit between 12:00-18:00.
- Visitors must be over the age of 16 (this does not include siblings).
- Only 2 people may at the cot space at a time (one of these must be a parent/carer)
- We ask you not to visit if you have cough/cold/flu symptoms, diarrhoea and vomiting, or if you or a member of the family develops chickenpox, measles or shingles. If you are unsure, please discuss with the nurse in charge.
- No visitors will be allowed to visit without the parents being present unless prior arrangements have been made with the nursing staff.
What should I do on arrival to the ward?
On arrival to Gosset ward please ring the bell and wait to be let in. You will then need to wash your hands before entering the ward.
Where should I park?
Whilst your baby is on Gosset free parking will be given to parents/carers via the trusts ANPR. Please ask the ward reception or nurse looking after your baby for more details.
Disabled parking is available in area K.
About the ward
The unit offers comprehensive neonatal services which include 2 designated Intensive Care cots, 4 High Dependency cots and 14 Special Care cots (20 total cots).
Family integrated care supports you to give your baby with the best start in life.
It is important that at some time during the day your baby is given the opportunity to have complete rest. This means that noise will be kept to a minimum, the lights will be dimmed, and the window blinds shut at times during the day. Here on the unit, we are partners in care with the families and encourage parents to take an active role in caring for their baby and work together to plan your baby’s care. We do this by supporting you with tasks such as carrying out cares, nasogastric feeding and taking your baby out of the incubator and much more. We also encourage you to attend ward round which occurs daily at around 08:30/9 where a consultant will be present, and you will be able to discuss with them you babies plan of care.
A parent’s room is provided for you to relax, consume refreshments, and sit with your visitors. The garden area is also available to use. Smoking / vaping is not allowed anywhere on the hospital site.
Gosset Ward is a local neonatal unit which cares for preterm or sick newborn babies who require some form of special, high dependency or intensive care nursing.
Most of the babies admitted to Gosset are due to premature births. The normal length of pregnancy is 37 - 42 weeks gestation, so a baby born before 37 weeks is premature.
It is expected that babies less than 34 weeks will be admitted to the unit. Babies at 34 weeks or more will only be admitted to Gosset if they need specialist care. Some may go to the transitional care unit. It is not unusual to admit full term babies to the unit for various reasons.
The unit is part of the East Midlands neonatal operation delivery network (EMNODM) and is a designated level two unit and is allowed to practice intensive care for babies of 27 weeks' gestation or above and 28 weeks and above for twins or babies who weight over 800g at birth.
Upon arrival, you will be given an admission pack containing lots of useful information. This will include introductory leaflets and booklets to help you look after your baby. Additional leaflets are available that are relevant to your baby. You can also access the East midlands operational delivery network (www.emnodn.nhs.uk) webpage for lots of resources including helpful videos around life on the neonatal unit.
About the team
There are five neonatologists who provide cover for Gosset ward.
The nursing staff are led by the ward manager. A high percentage of the nursing staff will have additional qualifications in neonatal intensive care nursing. There are also, healthcare assistants and ward receptionists in the team.
The team is supported by a clinical and lead educator alongside the practice development facilitator for paediatrics. All there to ensure our nursing team deliver the best possible care to our families.
The neonatal outreach service aims to support your baby to get home as soon as possible and support with community visits. They can also be there to support home nasogastric tube feeding and home photo therapy all there to try and get your baby home as soon as possible in the safest way.
Ward Manager: Kelly Marriott
Matron for child Health: Michelle Hardwick
Neonatal clinical Lead: Dr Nick Barnes