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Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust

Dr Andrew Jeffrey

Professor Andrew Jeffrey


Contact details

Main telephone number: 01604 544362

Fax number: 01604 544858



Primary specialty: Respiratory Medicine

Year qualified: 1980

Professional memberships:

    • FRCP (Edin)  Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
    • FRCP (Lond) Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of London
    • FFICM           Fellow of the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine
    • British Thoracic Society
    • European Respiratory Society
    • National Association of Clinical Tutors UK


Clinical interests:

General (Acute) Medicine, General Respiratory Medicine, Critical Care, Complex Asthma, COPD, Medical Education


Professional Profile

Having completed a BSc(hons) in physiology, Prof Jeffrey went on to qualify in Medicine from Edinburgh University in 1980. He undertook his training in General, Respiratory and Intensive Care medicine in Edinburgh, Manchester, Cardiff and London. Having completed 2 periods of research, one in Edinburgh and the second as an MRC/INSERM exchange Fellow in Laënnec Hospital (Paris), he took up a post as Lecturer in University College London before coming to Northampton as a consultant physician in 1993. He is now an Honorary Professor in the Leicester Medical School, University of Leicester.

In addition to a full involvement in acute general medicine, Prof. Jeffrey has developed particular clinical interests in critical care and its consequences, complex asthma, COPD and the psychology of long term respiratory conditions. He is extensively involved in medical education and training. As Director of Medical Education for Northampton General Hospital for 20 years he had overall responsibility for overseeing the education of the hospital’s undergraduate and post-graduate trainees. He has devised and taught on many medical education courses, examines for the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh and has been very active in medical education policy at a UK level through roles as Chairman of NACT UK and a Censor of the Royal College of Physicians of London. He has published approximately 30 peer reviewed papers and presentations as well as a number of book chapters on respiratory and intensive care subjects. 

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