Contact details
RESTART nurses: 01604 54 4865
RESTART Physiotherapist 01604 52 3587
Directorate Manager: Yvonne Tatton
Matron: Joanne Loveday
Respiratory physiotherapist clinic West Northamptonshire:
Pulmonary Rehabilitation referrals for patients registered with GPs in West Northamptonshire please refer via ICE. NB for those registered with GPs in North Northamptonshire refer to KGH via ERS
For Outpatient Respiratory Physiotherapy please refer via E- referral system or chest clinic letter.
Asthma CNS nurse led clinics:
The Asthma CNS will provide advice and guidance to inpatients and patients who present to ED. For outpatients clinics please refer via ICE / E referral for planned clinics.
What should I bring to my appointment?
Please bring with you your current medication, inhalers, peakflow meter and any relevant information regarding your referral. We encourage you to bring a relative with you if you would prefer this.
Also bring with you a map of the hospital (enclosed in first appointment letter) to ensure you find your way to the Department.
How much time should I allow before my appointment?
If possible, we would like you to book in at reception at least 10 minutes before your appointment is due.At least 30 minutes should be allowed for parking.
RESTART services: The team consists of specialist physiotherapists and nurses.
Nursing CNS team:
COPD patients review in Hospital:
We provide advice regarding treatment optimisation and aim to see patients within 24 hours of admission with primary diagnosis of COPD. We aim to facilitate a safe early discharge and provide advice on management.
Hospital staff can refer to us by ICE. Patients with Asthma, ILD, COPD, NIV, home oxygen or home monitoring needs will be referred to a more appropriate specialist within the Team.
COPD community care in West Northamptonshire:
- Patients can be referred to RESTART in the following ways:
- Self-referral from patients known to the team.
- Pulmonary rehab physio team.
- East Midlands Ambulance Service.
- GP & Practice Nurses: Choose and Book referral (preferred method) or by phone with a follow up email to clarify the reason for referral.
Once the referral is received, we asses if a community visit is required or if another outpatient service e.g. S.D.E.C. or I.C.T. would be appropriate. We may decide to visit the patient at home and will always aim to prevent admission to hospital where this is safe to do so.
Asthma CNS in and outpatient (hospital-based service only).
Asthma patients review in Hospital:
We provide advice regarding treatment optimisation and aim to see patients within 24 hours of admission with primary diagnosis of Asthma. We aim to facilitate a safe early discharge and provide advice on management.
Hospital staff can refer to us by ICE. Patients with ILD, COPD, NIV, home oxygen or home monitoring needs would be referred to specialist colleagues within the Team.
Outpatient referrals:
- GP & Practice Nurses: Choose and Book referral (preferred method) or by phone with a follow up email to clarify the reason for referral.
- Difficult controlled Asthma patients are discussed at a local Asthma MDT meeting, where further investigations or further referrals to tertiary specialist centres would be considered.
Pulmonary rehabilitation:
Better breathing better living course.
Pulmonary rehabilitation is a six-week programme of exercise & education designed to help people whose main symptom is breathlessness. The programme is held in community halls and leisure centres across the West Northamptonshire County. You can opt for a telephone or online based course in which you follow an exercise program at home with regular phone contact from the team. The courses are run by Respiratory specialist physios and Nurses and a qualified fitness instructor.
Pulmonary rehab aims:
- Lessen the fear of breathlessness.
- Break the cycle of inactivity.
- Improve all round strength & endurance.
- Improve the ability to perform daily activities.
- To give you confidence to exercise safely.
- Improve disease education and self-management.
Outpatient Respiratory/ Chest Physiotherapy Clinics are held at Northampton General Hospital and Danetre Hospital.
The RESTART team works closely with:
- Asthma Specialist Nurse - 01604 54 5573
- Home Oxygen service - 01604 52 3808
- Respiratory virtual ward - 01604 54 4988
- Respiratory outpatient department (Chest clinic) - 01604 54 5796
Links on other websites:
Contact Details
Northampton General Hospital – Spring field house
Billing Road
How to find us: The Respiratory outpatients department (Chest clinic) is located in area R.
From the South entrance, turn left onto the Hospital Street corridor. Proceed all the way down to the end of Hospital Street. Take a right turn and follow the corridor as it slopes upwards past the Oncology Department. As you reach a corner, turn right at the PALS office onto the Elderly Medicine corridor. The Centre for Elderly Medicine is on the right side of the corridor past the Boardroom. Take the lift down one floor and follow chest clinic signage.
From the Billing Road entrance, proceed along the corridor until you reach a T-junction. Turn left and continue up the corridor. Turn left at the PALS office onto the Elderly Medicine corridor. The Centre for Elderly Medicine in on the right side of the corridor past the Boardroom. Take the lift down one floor and follow chest clinic signage.
From the Disabled parking bays in front of area Q or car park five. Enter trough the Medical Day case Unit and follow the respiratory outpatients / Chest clinic signage.