Contact details
Walter Tull: 01604 545337
How to find us
Walter Tull ward is located in the Nye Bevan building. This is located in area C.
Click here for the hospital map
Visiting times
Visiting times on the ward are:
For more information on visiting please visit the visitors page. Visiting can also be made at different times at the discretion of the ward sister or nurse in charge.
Type of ward
Walter Tull ward is an acute assessment unit at Northampton General Hospital.
What should I bring with me?
Please ensure you bring:
Please do not bring:
We cannot be held responsible for the loss of any personal items, we advise against bringing any valuable items.
Flowers and plants are not allowed on the wards due to the risk of infection.
Large quantities of clothing or bags.
Patients are admitted to Walter Tull ward via our Emergency Department or in certain circumstances, directly from your GP.
Meals are served at the following approximate times:
Breakfast: 08:00
Lunch: 12:00
Supper: 17:00
What should I do when I get to the ward?
Please wash your hands using soap and water or the gel or foam provided before entering the ward. Gel or foam is found in dispensers inside and outside the doors to the ward.
Please report to the nurses’ station on entry to the ward, who will direct you to the person you are visiting.
About the team
The team on Walter Tull ward is comprised of a ward manager and a nursing team. You will be allocated one nurse and a health care assistant during your stay. This team provides care 24 hours a day.
You will be assigned to a medical or speciality consultant, and will be reviewed daily whilst on the assessment areas by the consultant or a member of their team. You may also be visited by the pharmacy, physiotherapy of specialist nurse team if appropriate.
Additional information
While you are in hospital, you may be transferred from one ward to another. These transfers will be agreed with a consultant, and your relatives will be informed by ward staff where you have gone dependent on the time of transfer.
If you are in pain, discomfort or worried, please let the ward staff know, and the nursing team will be happy to talk to you.
The Matron for Walter Tull ward is Jo Smith and Christina Mallinder is the ward sister. They are happy to meet with you and discuss any concerns you may have.