Respiratory & Chest Clinic
Contact details
Telephone: 01604 545796
For the respiratory lab telephone 01604 545741
For RESTART telephone 01604 544865
Opening times: Monday to Friday 09.00 – 17.00
How to find us
The Respiratory Laboratory is situated is on the ground floor by the Centre for Elderly Medicine.
The nearest parking is still Car Park 5 but the parking is very limited and it is advisable to park in one of the main hospital car parks.There is limited disabled parking in Car Park 5.
There is a drop off area outside of the Centre for Elderly Medicine.
Click here for the hospital map
What should I bring to my appointment?
Please bring a list of medication you have been prescribed with you.
About the team
The chest clinic and respiratory lab are staffed by Consultants (one with additional responsibilities in intensive care), Specialist Registrars, Specialist Nurses, Physiotherapists, Respiratory Physiologists, Clinic Nurse, Health Care Assistants and a range of administration and secretarial staff.
The team is also supported by TB nurses and Lung Cancer Nurse Specialists, and a Thoracic Surgeon from Leicester.
Dr McCann-Tuesday PM, Thursday PM, Friday PM
Dr A Nusimuddin- Monday PM, Tuesday AM, Tuesday PM, Wednesday AM
Dr Richardson - Tuesday AM , Wednesday AM, Thursday AM, Friday AM
Dr Jeffrey - Monday AM (Dr Andrew Jeffrey)
Mr Waller (visiting Consultant from Leicester) - Thursday PM
Chest clinic:
Respiratory lab:
Full lung volumes and gas transfer
Reversibility testing
Nebuliser assessment and loan service
Oxygen therapy assessment
Exercise testing
Sleep studies
Methacholine challenge testing
Fitness to fly assessment -private patients only
Skin prick allergy tests
Mouth pressure (for respiratory muscle strength)
The department has a comprehensive range of respiratory function testing equipment and sleep diagnostic equipment.
Links on other websites
Other information
Respiratory Therapy Acute Response Team (RESTART) is a team of nurses and physiotherapists who provide care for patients with COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). They support early discharge of patients with COPD and also run the Pulmonary Rehabilitation Programme.