Covid-19 testing for NHS staff
Northampton General Hospital has introduced staff testing for Covid-19.

Staff swabbing started at 8.00am this morning at a drive-through station set up on the hospital site. By mid-afternoon more than 400 members of staff had been swabbed. Results are expected within 24 hours.
Initial priority is for members of staff who are self-isolating but who would return to work if they had a negative test. Staff were contacted on Sunday and on Monday morning.
In line with national guidance staff working in priority areas for testing such as our emergency department, ITU and isolation areas, have also been swabbed.
In addition to swabbing NGH staff, priority colleagues from Kettering General Hospital and Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust will be swabbed from tomorrow. All staff due to be swabbed will be contacted by their organisation in the first instance.
Currently the facility is available for designated NHS staff only and is not available to members of the public. Only those contacted should attend.
Posted on Monday 30th March 2020