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Patients and Visitors
Work for Us
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NGH colleagues recognised with new neonatal awards
Quality Improvement
Information and Data Protection
Get Involved
Patients and Visitors
£360,000 new Community Midwifery Hub demonstrates new way parents-to-be are being supported post-Covid
24/7 food for staff, patients and visitors is a great example to NHS
A dedicated space for staff wellbeing opens at Northampton General Hospital
A first in robotic automation for Northampton General
A message for our Community
A new way for patient voices to be heard at Northamptonshire's hospitals
A special thank you to children and families supporting NGH staff
A superhero celebration for 2019 award winners
A wellbeing welcome for junior doctors at NGH
American family that founded DAISY Awards visit NGH
Annual General Meeting 1 November 2023
Annual General Meeting and Members Meeting - 3 November 2022
Are you pregnant? Protect yourself and your unborn baby from flu complications
Armed Forces Community Information Event
Army support at KGH and NGH was fantastic
Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) system at NGH
Best Possible Care Awards Shortlist Announced
Blood taking unit introduces online booking system
Boost for research will benefit patients and staff at Kettering and Northampton general hospitals
Bowel cancer screening programme expanded in Northamptonshire to over 50s
Breast-screening in Northants is up to date thanks to extra work done by hospital teams
Can you give a gift to a patient this Christmas?
Cancer Charity Maggie's starts work on new Northampton support centre
Cardiac rehabilitation at NGH expanded to support more patients
Cast of Pippi Longstocking visit NGH
Cavell award in memory of star nurse Jackie
Celebrating biomedical science day at NGH
Celebrating hospital colleagues who have devoted their lives to serving the NHS and their local communities
Celebrating our first Allied Health Professionals preceptors
Celebration for armed forces' community at Northampton General Hospital
Celebrations for two finalists in the Unsung Hero Awards
Changes to Kettering and Northampton General Hospitals emergency Ear, Nose and Throat service
Charity creates thankufest, the first ever events programme designed to honour our health & social care heroes
Chief People Officer appointed for NGH and KGH
Christine's COVID recovery sparks pogo-athon fundraising
Cobblers strike up Christmas cheer at NGH
Community midwives get permanent memorial at Northampton Saints for work during pandemic
Corby Community Diagnostic Centre building has arrived
County hospitals are helping trailblaze NHS plans to listen to concerns about patients
County stroke patients' initiative wins a top prize at a national event
County stroke team nominated for top award for supporting patient wellbeing
Covid Day of Reflection 2025
COVID vaccine scams
Covid-19 testing for NHS staff
CQC calls for improvements but praises quality of care
DAISY honourees celebrated
Dementia Listening Event
Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) and Cardiology virtual listening events
Emotional goodbye for patient who spent 352 days at NGH
Excellence Awards for amazing individuals and teams who helped us deliver great care during the COVID-19 pandemic
Extended visiting hours during Ramadan
Face coverings: our mask wearing guidance has changed as of Wednesday 7 September 2022
Face masks and coverings
Familiar faces for families in Northampton
Families of sick and premature babies get new overnight stay rooms at NGH thanks to community fundraising
Festive fundraising for Gosset ward
Fire evacuation practice exercise at NGH in mock baby unit on Sunday
Free colouring sheets for a rainy day
Generosity helps Gosset ward to refurbish expressing room
Get your RSV vaccination and protect yourself and your unborn baby
Gordon is reunited with his family after 86 days
GP Practices and Pharmacy opening times co
Great work of Northants midwives spotlighted at major conference
Ground-breaking drugs measuring tool supported by innovative new University Hospitals Group
Group management model announcement
Guidance on child health during coronavirus (COVID-19)
Half a dozen winners for NGH in Apprentice Awards
Hand therapy team 'highly commended' in national health awards
Hand therapy team in HSJ Award finals for improving patient care and cutting carbon emissions
Have you recently undergone cancer treatment?
Have your say on the future of our hospital services
Have your say on the new Kings Heath Community Diagnostic Centre
Head of Volunteer services at Northampton General recognised in Queen's Birthday Honours
Health and Wellbeing Shortlisted for National Award
Health Minister visits KGH and NGH
Health staff serving Northants hospitals shortlisted for diversity awards
Help us to celebrate staff and volunteers at NGH
Help us to shape cancer care
Historians restore name to pioneering 1779 case report of child amputation at NGH
HIV and hepatitis screening pilot to launch at NGH
Hospital Group works towards a sustainable future
Hospital teams shortlisted for top HSJ Award
Hospital visiting restrictions partly lifted in Northamptonshire
Hospitals' excellence awards – your chance to nominate individuals and teams for their great work
Hotel Services Recruitment Day
HRH The Duke of Gloucester KG GCVO officially unveils Organ and Tissue Donation Memorial Sculpture at NGH
HRH The Princess Royal officially opens Northampton General Hospital's new Paediatric Emergency Department
Immunisation nurse receives DAISY leadership award
Important update regarding the Ambulance Strike
Important update regarding the Ambulance Strikes on Wednesday 11 January 2023
Industrial Action from Tuesday April 11 until Saturday April 15 – advice for patients requiring health support during this time
Inspiring photos expressing the hope felt by mental health patients to be displayed at NGH
Join us and celebrate Team NGH
Join us at our 2021 virtual AGM
Join us at our Annual General Meeting- Friday 5 July
Join us at our virtual AGM
Joint CEO to lead three trusts establishing provider collaboration
Junior doctors' strikes to seriously impact NHS services in Northamptonshire
Junior doctors' strikes to seriously impact NHS services in Northamptonshire
Kettering and Northampton General Hospitals invite local people to help shape how they care for you
Kettering and Northampton hospitals have their first joint annual meeting
KGH and NGH to take part in the NHS Rainbow Badge Initiative
Kings Heath Community Diagnostic Centre building has arrived
Kings Heath Community Diagnostic Centre officially opens its doors!
Launch of new midwifery continuity teams at NGH
Legacy of Alfred Staden lives on at Northampton General Hospital
Less than two weeks left for eligible Northamptonshire residents to get COVID-19 vaccinations
Light up a Life Celebration Event
Live robotic surgery: A two-day major teaching and training event at NGH
Local hospitals sign up to support victims and witnesses of crime
Major developments opening in 2021 at Northampton General Hospital to improve patient care
Major online support hub launched to help Northants cancer patients
Mask-wearing reintroduced at KGH and NGH as Covid-19 infections increase
Maternity Roadshow at NGH planned for April 20
Maternity Roadshow at NGH planned for October 12
Maternity visiting update
Measles update- including maternity guidance
Meet our Best Possible Care Award Winners
Meet our DAISY award winners for May 2024
Move to group model announced by NGH and KGH
National award for Head of Midwifery at Northampton General
New Breast Pain Clinic
New cancer support centre in Northampton 'tops out'
New chair announced for Kettering and Northampton general hospitals
New Chief Digital Information Officer for provider collaborative
New Chief Executive appointed for University Hospitals of Northamptonshire
New Community Diagnostic Centres set to support thousands of Northants patients.
New community support group for families who have had sick and premature babies
New entrance opens at Northampton General Hospital
New estimates show 7000 five-year olds in the East Midlands have yet to be fully immunised against MMR
New generation of miniature leadless pacemakers now being fitted at NGH
New generation of tiny leadless pacemakers fitted at NGH
New Hospital Chief Executive for Northampton General Hospital
New interim chair appointments across the University Hospitals of Northamptonshire NHS Group
New main entrance building works underway
New way to self-refer for midwifery care at Northampton General Hospital
New Year joy as 16 babies are welcomed into the New Year at Northampton General
NGH achieves a green award for its commitment to sustainability
NGH and KGH to hold joint annual meeting which you can attend
NGH cancer teams wins national award for its support for patients
NGH celebrates Northamptonshire's first qualified nursing associates
NGH colleagues recognised with new neonatal awards
NGH delivers £20m of works to reduce its carbon footprint
NGH emergency department temporary building will improve the waiting experience
NGH finance team are future focussed!
NGH gets a national award for the way it supports the armed forces' community
NGH highly commended for patient safety work
NGH infection control team win national environmental award for reducing waste
NGH keeps it green
NGH launches a new treatment for early skin cancers
NGH launches hypnotherapy support for some patients
NGH makes Nursing Times Workforce Awards finals in two categories
NGH marks first ever World Patient Safety Day
NGH Maternity Bereavement Team shortlisted for awards
NGH Maternity Bereavement Team win Special Recognition Award
NGH maternity care rated highly by the Care Quality Commission
NGH nurse meeting PM as part of the national NHS 75 celebrations
NGH nurse receive award for outstanding compassionate care
NGH nurse receive awards for his outstanding compassionate care
NGH nurse shortlisted as Nurse of the Year for the way she has helped to improve end-of-life care
NGH Nurse who supports end-of-life care receives top award from the Chief Nursing Officer for England
NGH nurse wins a national award for the way she has worked with patients, carers, and hospital teams to improve dementia care
NGH nurse wins top national award for campaign to prevent unnecessary waste
NGH nurses and midwife receive awards for outstanding compassionate care
NGH nurses receive awards for outstanding compassionate care
NGH professor celebrates overwhelming success of national safety guidance he helped produce
NGH receives £15.9m to build a new critical care facility
NGH receives £2.9m to upgrade A&E facilities
NGH recognised for having the 'Meds Factor!'
NGH reinstates home birth service
NGH remembers the Armed Forces with Remembrance Street
NGH restaurant worker wins her category in national 2024 Unsung Hero Awards
NGH senior nurses receives awards for outstanding support for their teams
NGH shortlisted for national award for way it supports cancer patients
NGH Shortlisted for National Patient Safety Award
NGH Skin Cancer Specialist Hayley wins hero award from University of Northampton
NGH staff member nominated for Pride of Britain Award
NGH supports Baby Loss Awareness Week
NGH surgeon gets MBE for amazing work in Africa
NGH team shortlisted for top cancer award for innovative support for prostate patients
NGH to offer three community maternity hubs
NGH uses 3D printer to create amazing mask to help treat skin cancers
NGH wins national Health Technology Award!
NGH's eye department celebrates its 100th anniversary
NGH's main staff and patient restaurant wins award for healthy food
NGH's Maria could become national Overseas Nurse of the Year
NGH's new ROSE Awards let you say thank you
NHS colleagues, volunteers and fundraisers to be honoured at our Excellence Awards
NHS patients to be offered the chance to travel for treatment
NHS staff, volunteers and fundraisers who have gone the extra mile receive awards
NHS warning to parents as 'asthma season' hits
Northampton and Kettering general hospitals celebrate NHS 75
Northampton cardiac team to provide lifesaving operations in Nigeria
Northampton General Hospital achieves NHS cancer wait target
Northampton General Hospital and Kettering General Hospital make senior leadership appointments
Northampton General Hospital Highly Commended at 40th Health Service Journal Awards
Northampton General Hospital joins turning point in battle against Covid-19 with first vaccinations
Northampton General Hospital joins wave of Veteran Aware hospitals improving care for the armed forces community
Northampton General Hospital maintains reduction in perinatal deaths for fifth consecutive year
Northampton General Hospital named Health and Wellbeing Employer of the Year at national awards
Northampton General Hospital one of the first to start biggest ever NHS vaccination programme
Northampton General Hospital recruits first UK patient to pioneering Covid prevention research trial
Northampton General Hospital Shortlisted for the 2020 HSJ Awards
Northampton General Hospital signs EPR contract with Nervecentre
Northampton General Hospital urging patients to use other NHS services
Northampton General Hospital win award for pastoral care of international nurses and midwives
Northampton General Hospital's oldest volunteer celebrates her 90th birthday
Northampton General staff and patients contribute to major COVID breakthrough
Northampton General takes first delivery of new breathing aids
Northampton is 'Up for the Cup' with ambitious recycling project
Northampton midwives meet Royalty during official opening of new Royal College HQ
Northampton midwives win big at national awards
Northampton mum and baby star alongside famous faces in new Rankin exhibition celebrating 75 years of NHS charities
Northampton nurse up for prestigious UK accolade for transforming awareness of PPE waste
Northampton nurses celebrate being first UK hospital to be reaccredited with prestigious international nursing quality standard
Northampton Saints spread Christmas cheer at NGH
Northamptonshire Charity Lights Up a Life at Northampton General
Northamptonshire families urged to talk about organ donation
Northamptonshire Local Resilience Forum Joint Statement
Northamptonshire organisations come together to inspire the next generation of readers
Northamptonshire placed in Tier 2 of COVID-19 alert system
Nurse from Northampton General Hospital honoured with Unsung Hero award for her work in Children's cancer services
Nurses gain national recognition for their work at Northampton General Hospital
Our amazing healthcare support workers receive national awards
Our amazing nurses receive national awards
Our amazing Samuel wins international Pathway Nurse of the Year Award
Our Group's exciting partnership work with the University of Leicester a year on
Our information champions do well in national awards
Our nursing associates first in the country to receive prestigious Cavell Star Award
Our patients and staff will benefit from research funding boost
Patient care benefits of state-of-the-art surgical robot demonstrated at awareness day
Patients and staff at NGH and KGH get into the Jubilee spirit
People in Northamptonshire are encouraged to confirm their decision to save lives this Organ Donation Week
Please take-up your breast screening appointments at our improved hospital units
Providing a boost of support for patients with breast cancer
Public urged to get to know the signs and symptoms of Type1 diabetes
Quality award for the way NGH supports its nurses and nursing associates
Rapid coronavirus testing underway at Northampton General
RECOVERY trial shows tocilizumab reduces deaths in patients hospitalised with COVID-19
Re-imagining Planned Care together
Reintroduction of car parking charges
Relaxing of visiting restrictions at Northampton General Hospital
ROSE Awards for colleagues who are kind, compassionate, and respectful
ROSE Awards for outstanding therapist, healthcare assistant and plaster technician
Samukeliso shortlisted for International Midwifery Award
Service for local cancer patients wins top award
Shaping the future of young people's care at NGH
Sign-up and emphasise your commitment to organ donation during national awareness week
Silently scooting to work on an e-bike is good for you
Skill and dedication of NHS staff praised as health service productivity outstrips the rest of the economy
Sophie's story to help promote organ donation
South Entrance closure for pedestrians- From Tuesday 12th January
Spotlight on the life-saving work of the Critical Care Unit at NGH on its first anniversary
Stay at home to treat Winter vomiting illness
Stay away from A&E departments unless you are seriously ill
Stroke patients' initiative from NGH shortlisted for top national award
Stroke physiotherapist gets ROSE Award for his amazing impact on people's lives
Summer 2019 Insight Magazine- Now available!
Support people can now attend key maternity appointments thanks to new testing scheme at NGH
Support your local hospitals by becoming one of Northamptonshire Health Charity's 75 runners for NHS75 in The Amazing Northampton Run
Surgical Robot has now been used in 250 delicate operations to improve patient care
Surgical Robot will support plans to improve patient care across Northants
System Wide Critical Incident Declared
Teamwork praised at Northampton General Hospital
Temporary road and car park closure: Friday 6 January 2023
Temporary suspension of our Home Birth Service
The NHS is still here but please don't call 999 or attend Accident and Emergency unless you have an emergency
There is still NHS support if you need it but please help us to help those with the most urgent health needs
Three University Hospitals of Northamptonshire team members win national digital awards
Tiny pill camera to help diagnose cancer and may help reduce waits at NGH
Top marks for Northamptonshire's stroke services
Trusts appoint new Group Chair
Trusts' Chair John MacDonald announces retirement plans after 35 years' NHS service
Two nurses and a midwife receive DAISY Awards for the way they support patients and families
Two nurses receive DAISY Awards for the way they support patients and families
UHN Excellence Awards celebrate the incredible work of NHS staff, volunteers and fundraisers
UK first for patients with head and neck cancer at Northampton General Hospital
University Hospitals of Northamptonshire ask public to continue to follow hands, face, space in hospitals
University Hospitals of Northamptonshire invite public to attend annual meeting
University Hospitals of Northamptonshire team members in national digital awards
ROSE Awards for colleagues who are kind and compassionate
Upcoming Industrial Action will have a serious impact on local NHS services
Upcoming Industrial Action will have a serious impact on local NHS services- August 24-26
Update on EMAS industrial action
Update on EMAS Industrial Action- 28 December 2022
Updated guidance on masks and face coverings
Vaccination gives protection for pregnant women and their unborn babies
Visiting restrictions eased at Northampton and Kettering General Hospital
Visiting restrictions from 31 December 2021
Visiting suspended and mask wearing reintroduced: Thursday 29 December 2022
Visiting times extended after successful ward pilot
Visiting update 07.04.2022
Visitors required to take a lateral flow test before visiting loved ones in hospital at NGH and KGH
Volunteer's vocal talents spread Christmas cheer at Northampton Hospital
Waiting list text communication
Ward manager and baby screening and immunisation team get DAISY Awards
We are baby friendly!
We provide specialist support for most vulnerable Covid patients
Wednesday 24 April- Maintenance to our online booking system
Welcome to Laura Churchward, new UHN Chief Executive
We're supporting Organ Donation Week
What you need to know about Group A Streptococcus, Scarlet Fever and Invasive Group A Streptococcus
Who do you leave behind if you leave it too late?
With immediate effect visiting arrangements on our adult inpatient wards are now returning
Your chance to reward NGH staff that have gone over and above to deliver the best possible care
Your chance to thank hospital staff and volunteers who cared for you
Your experiences of surgical procedures at Northampton General Hospital
Communications team
Filming and photography requests
Work for Us
Find Your Way Around
Quality Improvement
Information and Data Protection
Get Involved
Patients and Visitors
£360,000 new Community Midwifery Hub demonstrates new way parents-to-be are being supported post-Covid
24/7 food for staff, patients and visitors is a great example to NHS
A dedicated space for staff wellbeing opens at Northampton General Hospital
A first in robotic automation for Northampton General
A message for our Community
A new way for patient voices to be heard at Northamptonshire's hospitals
A special thank you to children and families supporting NGH staff
A superhero celebration for 2019 award winners
A wellbeing welcome for junior doctors at NGH
American family that founded DAISY Awards visit NGH
Annual General Meeting 1 November 2023
Annual General Meeting and Members Meeting - 3 November 2022
Are you pregnant? Protect yourself and your unborn baby from flu complications
Armed Forces Community Information Event
Army support at KGH and NGH was fantastic
Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) system at NGH
Best Possible Care Awards Shortlist Announced
Blood taking unit introduces online booking system
Boost for research will benefit patients and staff at Kettering and Northampton general hospitals
Bowel cancer screening programme expanded in Northamptonshire to over 50s
Breast-screening in Northants is up to date thanks to extra work done by hospital teams
Can you give a gift to a patient this Christmas?
Cancer Charity Maggie's starts work on new Northampton support centre
Cardiac rehabilitation at NGH expanded to support more patients
Cast of Pippi Longstocking visit NGH
Cavell award in memory of star nurse Jackie
Celebrating biomedical science day at NGH
Celebrating hospital colleagues who have devoted their lives to serving the NHS and their local communities
Celebrating our first Allied Health Professionals preceptors
Celebration for armed forces' community at Northampton General Hospital
Celebrations for two finalists in the Unsung Hero Awards
Changes to Kettering and Northampton General Hospitals emergency Ear, Nose and Throat service
Charity creates thankufest, the first ever events programme designed to honour our health & social care heroes
Chief People Officer appointed for NGH and KGH
Christine's COVID recovery sparks pogo-athon fundraising
Cobblers strike up Christmas cheer at NGH
Community midwives get permanent memorial at Northampton Saints for work during pandemic
Corby Community Diagnostic Centre building has arrived
County hospitals are helping trailblaze NHS plans to listen to concerns about patients
County stroke patients' initiative wins a top prize at a national event
County stroke team nominated for top award for supporting patient wellbeing
Covid Day of Reflection 2025
COVID vaccine scams
Covid-19 testing for NHS staff
CQC calls for improvements but praises quality of care
DAISY honourees celebrated
Dementia Listening Event
Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) and Cardiology virtual listening events
Emotional goodbye for patient who spent 352 days at NGH
Excellence Awards for amazing individuals and teams who helped us deliver great care during the COVID-19 pandemic
Extended visiting hours during Ramadan
Face coverings: our mask wearing guidance has changed as of Wednesday 7 September 2022
Face masks and coverings
Familiar faces for families in Northampton
Families of sick and premature babies get new overnight stay rooms at NGH thanks to community fundraising
Festive fundraising for Gosset ward
Fire evacuation practice exercise at NGH in mock baby unit on Sunday
Free colouring sheets for a rainy day
Generosity helps Gosset ward to refurbish expressing room
Get your RSV vaccination and protect yourself and your unborn baby
Gordon is reunited with his family after 86 days
GP Practices and Pharmacy opening times co
Great work of Northants midwives spotlighted at major conference
Ground-breaking drugs measuring tool supported by innovative new University Hospitals Group
Group management model announcement
Guidance on child health during coronavirus (COVID-19)
Half a dozen winners for NGH in Apprentice Awards
Hand therapy team 'highly commended' in national health awards
Hand therapy team in HSJ Award finals for improving patient care and cutting carbon emissions
Have you recently undergone cancer treatment?
Have your say on the future of our hospital services
Have your say on the new Kings Heath Community Diagnostic Centre
Head of Volunteer services at Northampton General recognised in Queen's Birthday Honours
Health and Wellbeing Shortlisted for National Award
Health Minister visits KGH and NGH
Health staff serving Northants hospitals shortlisted for diversity awards
Help us to celebrate staff and volunteers at NGH
Help us to shape cancer care
Historians restore name to pioneering 1779 case report of child amputation at NGH
HIV and hepatitis screening pilot to launch at NGH
Hospital Group works towards a sustainable future
Hospital teams shortlisted for top HSJ Award
Hospital visiting restrictions partly lifted in Northamptonshire
Hospitals' excellence awards – your chance to nominate individuals and teams for their great work
Hotel Services Recruitment Day
HRH The Duke of Gloucester KG GCVO officially unveils Organ and Tissue Donation Memorial Sculpture at NGH
HRH The Princess Royal officially opens Northampton General Hospital's new Paediatric Emergency Department
Immunisation nurse receives DAISY leadership award
Important update regarding the Ambulance Strike
Important update regarding the Ambulance Strikes on Wednesday 11 January 2023
Industrial Action from Tuesday April 11 until Saturday April 15 – advice for patients requiring health support during this time
Inspiring photos expressing the hope felt by mental health patients to be displayed at NGH
Join us and celebrate Team NGH
Join us at our 2021 virtual AGM
Join us at our Annual General Meeting- Friday 5 July
Join us at our virtual AGM
Joint CEO to lead three trusts establishing provider collaboration
Junior doctors' strikes to seriously impact NHS services in Northamptonshire
Junior doctors' strikes to seriously impact NHS services in Northamptonshire
Kettering and Northampton General Hospitals invite local people to help shape how they care for you
Kettering and Northampton hospitals have their first joint annual meeting
KGH and NGH to take part in the NHS Rainbow Badge Initiative
Kings Heath Community Diagnostic Centre building has arrived
Kings Heath Community Diagnostic Centre officially opens its doors!
Launch of new midwifery continuity teams at NGH
Legacy of Alfred Staden lives on at Northampton General Hospital
Less than two weeks left for eligible Northamptonshire residents to get COVID-19 vaccinations
Light up a Life Celebration Event
Live robotic surgery: A two-day major teaching and training event at NGH
Local hospitals sign up to support victims and witnesses of crime
Major developments opening in 2021 at Northampton General Hospital to improve patient care
Major online support hub launched to help Northants cancer patients
Mask-wearing reintroduced at KGH and NGH as Covid-19 infections increase
Maternity Roadshow at NGH planned for April 20
Maternity Roadshow at NGH planned for October 12
Maternity visiting update
Measles update- including maternity guidance
Meet our Best Possible Care Award Winners
Meet our DAISY award winners for May 2024
Move to group model announced by NGH and KGH
National award for Head of Midwifery at Northampton General
New Breast Pain Clinic
New cancer support centre in Northampton 'tops out'
New chair announced for Kettering and Northampton general hospitals
New Chief Digital Information Officer for provider collaborative
New Chief Executive appointed for University Hospitals of Northamptonshire
New Community Diagnostic Centres set to support thousands of Northants patients.
New community support group for families who have had sick and premature babies
New entrance opens at Northampton General Hospital
New estimates show 7000 five-year olds in the East Midlands have yet to be fully immunised against MMR
New generation of miniature leadless pacemakers now being fitted at NGH
New generation of tiny leadless pacemakers fitted at NGH
New Hospital Chief Executive for Northampton General Hospital
New interim chair appointments across the University Hospitals of Northamptonshire NHS Group
New main entrance building works underway
New way to self-refer for midwifery care at Northampton General Hospital
New Year joy as 16 babies are welcomed into the New Year at Northampton General
NGH achieves a green award for its commitment to sustainability
NGH and KGH to hold joint annual meeting which you can attend
NGH cancer teams wins national award for its support for patients
NGH celebrates Northamptonshire's first qualified nursing associates
NGH colleagues recognised with new neonatal awards
NGH delivers £20m of works to reduce its carbon footprint
NGH emergency department temporary building will improve the waiting experience
NGH finance team are future focussed!
NGH gets a national award for the way it supports the armed forces' community
NGH highly commended for patient safety work
NGH infection control team win national environmental award for reducing waste
NGH keeps it green
NGH launches a new treatment for early skin cancers
NGH launches hypnotherapy support for some patients
NGH makes Nursing Times Workforce Awards finals in two categories
NGH marks first ever World Patient Safety Day
NGH Maternity Bereavement Team shortlisted for awards
NGH Maternity Bereavement Team win Special Recognition Award
NGH maternity care rated highly by the Care Quality Commission
NGH nurse meeting PM as part of the national NHS 75 celebrations
NGH nurse receive award for outstanding compassionate care
NGH nurse receive awards for his outstanding compassionate care
NGH nurse shortlisted as Nurse of the Year for the way she has helped to improve end-of-life care
NGH Nurse who supports end-of-life care receives top award from the Chief Nursing Officer for England
NGH nurse wins a national award for the way she has worked with patients, carers, and hospital teams to improve dementia care
NGH nurse wins top national award for campaign to prevent unnecessary waste
NGH nurses and midwife receive awards for outstanding compassionate care
NGH nurses receive awards for outstanding compassionate care
NGH professor celebrates overwhelming success of national safety guidance he helped produce
NGH receives £15.9m to build a new critical care facility
NGH receives £2.9m to upgrade A&E facilities
NGH recognised for having the 'Meds Factor!'
NGH reinstates home birth service
NGH remembers the Armed Forces with Remembrance Street
NGH restaurant worker wins her category in national 2024 Unsung Hero Awards
NGH senior nurses receives awards for outstanding support for their teams
NGH shortlisted for national award for way it supports cancer patients
NGH Shortlisted for National Patient Safety Award
NGH Skin Cancer Specialist Hayley wins hero award from University of Northampton
NGH staff member nominated for Pride of Britain Award
NGH supports Baby Loss Awareness Week
NGH surgeon gets MBE for amazing work in Africa
NGH team shortlisted for top cancer award for innovative support for prostate patients
NGH to offer three community maternity hubs
NGH uses 3D printer to create amazing mask to help treat skin cancers
NGH wins national Health Technology Award!
NGH's eye department celebrates its 100th anniversary
NGH's main staff and patient restaurant wins award for healthy food
NGH's Maria could become national Overseas Nurse of the Year
NGH's new ROSE Awards let you say thank you
NHS colleagues, volunteers and fundraisers to be honoured at our Excellence Awards
NHS patients to be offered the chance to travel for treatment
NHS staff, volunteers and fundraisers who have gone the extra mile receive awards
NHS warning to parents as 'asthma season' hits
Northampton and Kettering general hospitals celebrate NHS 75
Northampton cardiac team to provide lifesaving operations in Nigeria
Northampton General Hospital achieves NHS cancer wait target
Northampton General Hospital and Kettering General Hospital make senior leadership appointments
Northampton General Hospital Highly Commended at 40th Health Service Journal Awards
Northampton General Hospital joins turning point in battle against Covid-19 with first vaccinations
Northampton General Hospital joins wave of Veteran Aware hospitals improving care for the armed forces community
Northampton General Hospital maintains reduction in perinatal deaths for fifth consecutive year
Northampton General Hospital named Health and Wellbeing Employer of the Year at national awards
Northampton General Hospital one of the first to start biggest ever NHS vaccination programme
Northampton General Hospital recruits first UK patient to pioneering Covid prevention research trial
Northampton General Hospital Shortlisted for the 2020 HSJ Awards
Northampton General Hospital signs EPR contract with Nervecentre
Northampton General Hospital urging patients to use other NHS services
Northampton General Hospital win award for pastoral care of international nurses and midwives
Northampton General Hospital's oldest volunteer celebrates her 90th birthday
Northampton General staff and patients contribute to major COVID breakthrough
Northampton General takes first delivery of new breathing aids
Northampton is 'Up for the Cup' with ambitious recycling project
Northampton midwives meet Royalty during official opening of new Royal College HQ
Northampton midwives win big at national awards
Northampton mum and baby star alongside famous faces in new Rankin exhibition celebrating 75 years of NHS charities
Northampton nurse up for prestigious UK accolade for transforming awareness of PPE waste
Northampton nurses celebrate being first UK hospital to be reaccredited with prestigious international nursing quality standard
Northampton Saints spread Christmas cheer at NGH
Northamptonshire Charity Lights Up a Life at Northampton General
Northamptonshire families urged to talk about organ donation
Northamptonshire Local Resilience Forum Joint Statement
Northamptonshire organisations come together to inspire the next generation of readers
Northamptonshire placed in Tier 2 of COVID-19 alert system
Nurse from Northampton General Hospital honoured with Unsung Hero award for her work in Children's cancer services
Nurses gain national recognition for their work at Northampton General Hospital
Our amazing healthcare support workers receive national awards
Our amazing nurses receive national awards
Our amazing Samuel wins international Pathway Nurse of the Year Award
Our Group's exciting partnership work with the University of Leicester a year on
Our information champions do well in national awards
Our nursing associates first in the country to receive prestigious Cavell Star Award
Our patients and staff will benefit from research funding boost
Patient care benefits of state-of-the-art surgical robot demonstrated at awareness day
Patients and staff at NGH and KGH get into the Jubilee spirit
People in Northamptonshire are encouraged to confirm their decision to save lives this Organ Donation Week
Please take-up your breast screening appointments at our improved hospital units
Providing a boost of support for patients with breast cancer
Public urged to get to know the signs and symptoms of Type1 diabetes
Quality award for the way NGH supports its nurses and nursing associates
Rapid coronavirus testing underway at Northampton General
RECOVERY trial shows tocilizumab reduces deaths in patients hospitalised with COVID-19
Re-imagining Planned Care together
Reintroduction of car parking charges
Relaxing of visiting restrictions at Northampton General Hospital
ROSE Awards for colleagues who are kind, compassionate, and respectful
ROSE Awards for outstanding therapist, healthcare assistant and plaster technician
Samukeliso shortlisted for International Midwifery Award
Service for local cancer patients wins top award
Shaping the future of young people's care at NGH
Sign-up and emphasise your commitment to organ donation during national awareness week
Silently scooting to work on an e-bike is good for you
Skill and dedication of NHS staff praised as health service productivity outstrips the rest of the economy
Sophie's story to help promote organ donation
South Entrance closure for pedestrians- From Tuesday 12th January
Spotlight on the life-saving work of the Critical Care Unit at NGH on its first anniversary
Stay at home to treat Winter vomiting illness
Stay away from A&E departments unless you are seriously ill
Stroke patients' initiative from NGH shortlisted for top national award
Stroke physiotherapist gets ROSE Award for his amazing impact on people's lives
Summer 2019 Insight Magazine- Now available!
Support people can now attend key maternity appointments thanks to new testing scheme at NGH
Support your local hospitals by becoming one of Northamptonshire Health Charity's 75 runners for NHS75 in The Amazing Northampton Run
Surgical Robot has now been used in 250 delicate operations to improve patient care
Surgical Robot will support plans to improve patient care across Northants
System Wide Critical Incident Declared
Teamwork praised at Northampton General Hospital
Temporary road and car park closure: Friday 6 January 2023
Temporary suspension of our Home Birth Service
The NHS is still here but please don't call 999 or attend Accident and Emergency unless you have an emergency
There is still NHS support if you need it but please help us to help those with the most urgent health needs
Three University Hospitals of Northamptonshire team members win national digital awards
Tiny pill camera to help diagnose cancer and may help reduce waits at NGH
Top marks for Northamptonshire's stroke services
Trusts appoint new Group Chair
Trusts' Chair John MacDonald announces retirement plans after 35 years' NHS service
Two nurses and a midwife receive DAISY Awards for the way they support patients and families
Two nurses receive DAISY Awards for the way they support patients and families
UHN Excellence Awards celebrate the incredible work of NHS staff, volunteers and fundraisers
UK first for patients with head and neck cancer at Northampton General Hospital
University Hospitals of Northamptonshire ask public to continue to follow hands, face, space in hospitals
University Hospitals of Northamptonshire invite public to attend annual meeting
University Hospitals of Northamptonshire team members in national digital awards
ROSE Awards for colleagues who are kind and compassionate
Upcoming Industrial Action will have a serious impact on local NHS services
Upcoming Industrial Action will have a serious impact on local NHS services- August 24-26
Update on EMAS industrial action
Update on EMAS Industrial Action- 28 December 2022
Updated guidance on masks and face coverings
Vaccination gives protection for pregnant women and their unborn babies
Visiting restrictions eased at Northampton and Kettering General Hospital
Visiting restrictions from 31 December 2021
Visiting suspended and mask wearing reintroduced: Thursday 29 December 2022
Visiting times extended after successful ward pilot
Visiting update 07.04.2022
Visitors required to take a lateral flow test before visiting loved ones in hospital at NGH and KGH
Volunteer's vocal talents spread Christmas cheer at Northampton Hospital
Waiting list text communication
Ward manager and baby screening and immunisation team get DAISY Awards
We are baby friendly!
We provide specialist support for most vulnerable Covid patients
Wednesday 24 April- Maintenance to our online booking system
Welcome to Laura Churchward, new UHN Chief Executive
We're supporting Organ Donation Week
What you need to know about Group A Streptococcus, Scarlet Fever and Invasive Group A Streptococcus
Who do you leave behind if you leave it too late?
With immediate effect visiting arrangements on our adult inpatient wards are now returning
Your chance to reward NGH staff that have gone over and above to deliver the best possible care
Your chance to thank hospital staff and volunteers who cared for you
Your experiences of surgical procedures at Northampton General Hospital
Communications team
Filming and photography requests
Work for Us
Find Your Way Around
NGH colleagues recognised with new neonatal awards
Posted on Tuesday 27th August 2024
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