Quality award for the way NGH supports its nurses and nursing associates

Claire Ault, Preceptorship Lead
Northampton General Hospital has received the ‘Interim Preceptorship Quality Mark’ from NHS England for the way it supports newly registered nurses and nursing associates.
The mark indicates to prospective applicants, patients, carers and the public. that NGH is continually improving support for newly qualified nurses and nursing associates to help them get started in their NHS careers.
NGH’s Preceptorship Lead Claire Ault, said: “Preceptorship is a 12-month period of support and education for newly registered nurses, nursing associates, return to practice nurses and internationally recruited nurses to promote confidence and competence in their everyday practice.
“Nationally nursing is the first career path to receive formal recognition of preceptorship provision by a quality mark.
“If we take care of our new starters they will feel invested in, valued and, of course, be even greater advocates for our patients".
Comments from staff who received the support have included:
‘This course helps to understand my role as a newly qualified RN in the NHS.
“My preceptor had lots of opportunities to teach me about the job role and its responsibilities and how to manage the difficult situations’.
‘It has made me seek different ways in which I can do my job better’.
Deputy Director of Nursing Jo Smith said: “I am extremely proud that preceptorship at NGH has been awarded the quality mark, it is a strong beacon of the excellent work that the organisation and particularly the preceptors do.
“The quality mark will enable us to attract the best students to our hospital and retain them during their early careers. It is so important that our newest members of NGH have an opportunity to develop their skills and flourish in a supportive environment ensuring the best possible care for our patient, families, and carers for now and the future.”
In 2022 NHS England launched a new framework for preceptorship and NGH has spent the past year building on and strengthening our current preceptorship provision to align with these new standards. Work has included reviewing the current preceptorship policy, a bespoke job description for the preceptorship lead, and providing additional education and support for preceptors - the staff who support the new nurses and nursing associates.
NGH has been providing preceptorship since 2009 and it has continued to grow and improve its offering to staff. Achieving the national award demonstrates how well the hospital is achieving the nationally set criteria.
The hospitals next steps will be to meet the National Preceptorship Frameworks for midwifery and Allied Health Professionals when they are launched later this year.
Posted on Monday 16th October 2023