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Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust

Generosity helps Gosset ward to refurbish expressing room


Thanks to the generosity of local fundraisers of the Northamptonshire Health Charity, a newly refurbished expressing room has opened for new mums on Gosset ward at Northampton General. Thanks to the fundraisers over £7,000 was raised for the project which was suggested and driven forward by the ward team to improve the experience for new mums.

The refurbished room means that mothers of babies who are being card for on the neonatal ward are provided with a comfortable and relaxing environment to express milk for their babies.

Ward team assistant, Jenna Leeder explained how the old room needed a refresh. “Before the refurbishment the old room was very small and uninviting for mums.  Taking into consideration the many comments we would hear from those using it, we decided to do something about it. We are so delighted that the charity awarded us funding to make these changes, which will help provide the kind of comfortable space mums should be able to experience at often such a worrying time for them.”

The fundraisers were some of the first people to see the newly refurbished room and were invited along to an event hosted by the charity last week. Rob Powell, community fundraiser, described the difference that the donations made “We believe that charity funding has the potential to transform places and services. This £7,000 award, thanks to the kind and thoughtful Gosset supporters, has done just this by completely transforming the expressing room into a space that makes mums feel comfortable and at ease.  It has been great to hear the positive feedback about the room from Gosset parents, including how important and welcome the added touch of now being able to make and have a hot drink is.” 

To help decide what changes needed to be made, ward staff circulated a questionnaire to mothers asking them to they provide honest feedback.  The responses indicated how it was cramped, unwelcoming, with uncomfortable chairs and little privacy.  Taking in to account this feedback the room was completely renovated and decorated.  The heavy screens have been replaced by curtains instead that can easily be drawn round making it easier for women who have had a C-section. As well as this the chairs have been replaced with comfortable alternatives which recline easily and help to create a homely feel to the room. As well as comfort, the practical elements of the room including a small kitchen area have also been refurbished to mean that there is more space, a more compact fridge freezer which takes up less space and facilities to make hot and cold drinks are now available.

Gosset ward specialises in Neonatal Intensive Care, providing expert care for newborn babies who are ill or born prematurely.  The normal length of pregnancy is 37-42 weeks gestation, so a baby born before 37 weeks is premature.  It is expected that babies less than 34 weeks will be admitted to the unit.  If a baby is too small, weak or immature to feed, they might receive fluids and a nutrition mixture through a drip, or they may need a tube that carries milk into their stomach.  Mums will be able to express this milk for them in the comfort of the new expressing room.

Posted on Monday 16th September 2019
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